I found you on the floor.

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A/N Hi! I've been so busy writing the sequel to 'But does anyone notice' in draft that I haven't been focusing on this book of one shots, but I have wrote this one shot and it's longer than my usual ones so I hope you enjoy!

Gerard's POV

"Gerard, you can go ahead and lock up shop now." The manager shouted from out back.

"Okay" I shouted back. "I'll see you Wednesday." I said opening the door and locking it behind me. The benefits of working in a coffee shop is that I only have to walk for 10 minutes to get home.

I took a look at my phone, seeing that it was 8:30pm. The cold, winter weather caused a harsh wind to blow, making me shiver. 'God I can't wait for the summer.' I thought to myself.

To get to my apartment I had to walk through an alley way. It always scared me, as it was full of rats and spiders, but I had never been attacked or mugged. Thank god!

I was surprised to see someone else in the alley. Usually I'm the only one who walks down this dirty lane. As I got closer I realised that the person was a young male. He was lying on the damp, concrete ground underneath an old, tattered blanket. The blanket was covered in mud and torn in numerous places.

The boy look no older than 16.

'He shouldn't be out here at this time of night.' I thought to myself as I walked closer. I decided I would go talk to him. He may be drunk, so I wanted to make sure he gets home safely. I crouch down beside him and started shaking his shoulder.

"Hey, dude wake up." I said, shaking him harder. He started to stir, but then became still again.

"Sir please wake up."

His eyes started to open and once he saw me, he jumped back. His eyes widened and he held his blanket tighter around himself.

"Please don't hurt me." He whispered, fear clear in his voice.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you." I assured him. "I was just walking by and thought you may have been drunk. I wanted to make sure you got home safely."

"Oh" He became less tense before saying something that shocked me. "This is my home."

"What?" I asked with a mixture of emotions. Confused being one of them.

"I live here on the streets, with my blanket and Peppy." He looked so innocent holding a small stuffed dog. It looked like something you would buy for a child.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Frankie." He replied. "Yours?"

"Nice name. Mine is Gerard. How old are you Frankie?"

"15" He replied. His eyes started to get heavy and I could see that he hadn't slept properly for a long time. There were purple bags under his bloodshot eyes. He was 15 years old, there was no way I was letting him stay out on the streets.

"Frankie, I'm going to take you to my apartment, where you can sleep in a proper bed and eat some food okay?"

He nodded in response, but was to tired to stand so I carried him bridal style to my apartment. Once home I placed a sleeping Frank in my bed. I tucked him in making sure to place Peppy, his toy dog in his arms. He smiled as I did so.

I left the room and made myself something to eat. Once I had eaten my Peanut butter and jelly sandwich I headed to bed. I decided to leave Frankie, to sleep on his own. I didn't want him to get the wrong idea, so I slept on the sofa. Thank god I had a day off work tomorrow.

Frerard moments (book of one shots)Where stories live. Discover now