Chapter XVI - You're Not Her

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I tried hard to swallow the yawn as I listened to the history teacher. I enjoyed history as long as it wasn't taught by this guy. In the first place, he looked too young to be one, and the way that his suit hugged his body made a lot of girls giggle. I tapped my pen against my book as I begged the time to move by faster. It should be sword training after this. I started tapping my foot as excitement coursed through my body. They are bringing in a few knights to train with us; there's even a rumor going around that one knight is the current king's personal knight. Now that I think about it, it has almost been a week since I spoke to any of the male leads or even seen them; I haven't even seen the heroine. There were rumors running around about them and the chances of a fight staring over her; even a rumor about me tormenting her started somewhere, but after a few days it died down. I jumped up in excitement when the bell rang, grabbing hold of my bags. I practically ran out of the class to the girls changing rooms. I changed into my sparring outfit and went towards the training ground. Every girl was giggling while the boys sparred with one another. I made my way towards the wooden swords when someone grabbed my wrist. Turning around, I was shocked to see Charles staring at me with a frown.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" I hissed, trying to get him to loosen his grip.

"We need to talk." he sighed, pulling me after him.

"I have class, you nitwit!" I growled, pulling back.

"Since when did you ever care about your studies?" he grumbled over his shoulder at me.

"Since when did you ever start paying attention to me?!"


"Stop calling me that!" I finally pulled myself free from his grip, only to find myself alone.

"Edgard calls you his Kitten, and yet I am not allowed to even call you Cat, which I should say is closer to your name." He smirked, looking so proud of himself.

"Edgard is my brother; he can call me anything he wants."

I watched as the smirk turned into a frown, anger boiling deep in his eyes.

"And what am I supposed to be?" he hissed.

"A murderer!" I growled, looking straight into his eyes.

"Are you sure that isn't who you are?"

"I don't have any blood on my hands, you nitwit." I pushed him back, excitement coursing through me as he stumbled.

"My sister wouldn't be doing what you are doing; she is quiet and knows her place. She wouldn't even allow a rumor about a bet to run around and harm her future!" He jumped up, pushing his face into mine.

"No real brother would take out their baby sister and leave her in a forest filled with monsters, Charles." I smirked, laughing as his face turned white as a sheet.


"Did you enjoy it? Knowing that your little sister trusted you and loved you more than anything in the world. Did you enjoy knowing that a stupid little girl would be torn limb from limb..."


"I was a baby! I wanted your love, and you wanted my heart to be ripped out of my chest!"

"You know nothing!" he growled, grabbing hold of my wrist again.

"I know how much you despised me; even when you couldn't have me killed, you had every servent vent their frustration on me. You enjoyed watching them torment me, watching our father screaming and hitting me..."

"I said be quiet!" he hissed.

"You are right; I am not your sister. You murdered your sister a long time ago." I smirked into those anger-filled eyes.

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