Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

'I'm so glad you're safe."

"I saved your wedding dress and your jewelry box."

"Oh Hannah. I love you. Let me help you with these things."

The girls picked up the items from the middle of the street, and Thomas led them to the bench in front of Johanne's Hardware Store. Dauber strode over to them and said in a serious tone.

"Let's get the fire under control, and then we are going to my office to answer a few questions. You women stay right here. You men come with me."

Alice had a look of terror in her eyes as tears streamed down her face.

"Is the sheriff going to arrest me?" asked Alice as her voice trembled.

"No, he just wants to talk to us," said Victoria as she collapsed on the bench next to Hannah.

Her hands were shaking. She had killed a man, not just any man. The man who had murdered her mother. Cooper was dead. He could never hurt her or the people she loved ever again. Hannah felt Victoria's body trembling, and she put her arm around her to comfort her.

"I killed him," whispered Victoria. "I killed him. He's dead."

"That took a lot of courage. You are so brave."

"Do you think they will put me in jail?"

"No. It was self-defense."

"But I killed a man."

It didn't feel glorious or joyful killing someone you hated. Thou shall not kill ran through her mind as tears flowed from her eyes. Alice felt a deep empathy towards the beautiful shop owner. She knelt on the ground in front of her.

"Ma'am, you were defending yourself from him. We can all testify to that. He was going to kill you. You save yourself from him."

"Thank you. I'm sorry, but I don't know your name. I'm Victoria Spencer."

"My name is Alice Turner. Cooper talked so much about Redwood and all the awful people in it. It is nice to put a name to a face."

Her comment made them smile, breaking the tension between them. Alice sat down on the other side of Victoria on the bench as they waited.

"My name is Hannah, and Victoria is my guardian, my big sister. If I'm being too personal, may I ask what in the world were you doing with Cooper?" asked Hannah. "Did you know he was an escaped prisoner? Did he kidnap you as a hostage?"

"No. I left on my own. My father has a large ranch, and it is not unusual to have different riders show up at all times of the night. My father sells whiskey, and in the past, he has hidden outlaws on the run. Cooper and Baker showed up late one night and hid in our hunting cabin. Baker had spent two winters with us, hiding from the law. But this time, my father told them they couldn't stay more than one night this time.

The next day, Sheriff Dauber and Marshal Nunez came to the ranch, looking for the men. After lunch, the lawmen left riding west. The next night, Baker rode out in the middle of the night, leaving Cooper behind at the cabin.

Cooper and I spent the rest of the week preparing to travel. I left my father and three brothers on Saturday and rode out with Cooper. Ma'am, I tried to talk him out of seeking revenge. I tried, but he wouldn't listen and now look at the misery he has caused."

Hannah looked at the girl in the cowboy hat pulled down low on her face and assured she was safe for now. Alice stared at the wooden boardwalk. Tears formed in her eyes. As she blinked back the tears, her eyes focused in on the beautiful gowns and dresses laying on the sidewalk.

"These gowns are beautiful," said Alice as she knelt to feel the white velvet gown. "Ma'am, I can sew if you ever need any extra help."

"I may need help to clean my shop first before we can sew anything," said Victoria

"Where are you staying, Alice?" asked Hannah.

"My stuff is at the Walker farm, but I just met these men tonight, and it wouldn't look right for me to impose."

"That is my farm and the men rent from me. Red and Ivan are kind gentleman, but I understand your hesitancy," said Hannah.

"Well, we'll be staying at the hotel for the rest of the week. You might as well join us."

"Oh Ma'am, I don't have that kind of money. I can camp until I find work and a place to live."

"For tonight, we'll stay at the hotel, and then we can figure out something in the morning," said Victoria with assurance that relaxed Alice.

Thomas ran across the street to where Victoria was sitting.

"They have most of the fire out. The men are still chopping away the burning boards. The backdoor, the stairway and the kitchen are damaged, but they saved the building. It's not safe to stay in until the back of the building is rebuilt. Let's get you to the hotel for the night."

"Dauber wants us to remain here. Hannah, will you take our stuff to the hotel and tell Maude we will need three rooms this evening?" asked Victoria as she stood from the bench.

She grabbed Thomas's arm as she felt a weakness in her legs as she tried to stand still. Thomas felt her trembling and put his arm around her to hold her and left her know she was safe. Alice helped Hannah gather the gowns into her arms. Victoria held on to her mother's jewelry box and Hannah's portfolio.

The clop of a team of horses broke the silence of the night. Everyone turned their heads as they heard the wheels of the hearse arrive. Deputy Cowan and Otis Smith, the undertaker, climbed off the wagon seat and opened the doors to the back of the enclosed wagon.

Cooper's body was placed on a stretcher, and the men loaded the escaped prisoner's body into the hearse. Otis Smith climbed onto the seat of the wagon and drove the corpse away, leaving them silent as the sounds of the wagon wheels faded.

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