Ch. 1 Part 2

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Xiao Ling was baffled and speechless

Re-adjustments Are Being Made In Player's Abilities
Player's Level Has Decreased To Level [ 30]
All Ranks Of Players Abilities Has Been Greatly Decreased
Some Skills Has Been Locked.

Player's System

Name: Xiao Ling
Level: 30
Class: Necromancer
Agility: 19
Health: 11

Skeleton Summoning [B]
Shadow Clones[B]
Poison Resistance [D]

Locked Skills And Characteristics Are Not Shown
Locked Skills Are Automatically Unlocked When Conditions Are Met.

Xiao Ling was in shock when the evaluation of the system was done....he felt heartache since he worked hard in his previous life to reach level 95 and had lot more skills than this.... he checked his inventory and most of the items and weapons were not there which made him more sad and angry but there was nothing he could do about it...

" But at least I wasn't decreased to level 1... could manage with this "

he voiced out trying to cheer himself up, Xiao Ling got down from the bed and and inspected himself from head to toe looking disdainfully at the ragged clothes on his body with patches and sighed defeated. His body suddenly felt light weighted which made him swayed from side to side for a couple of seconds feeling a bit dizzy...

Ding! Ding!Ding!
Congratulations To The Shadow Monarch On His Awakening
Shadow Monarch Xiao Ling Has Yet To Meet The All Conditions To Use All Authorities
Some Authorities And Skills Are Locked Until Fully Awakened


Shadow Monarch's Dungeon Level 1
Authority Over Shadowing level 1


Shadow Summoning [ A]
Summons: 1 [ Bee Level 5 [B+] ]

" What...?! What?! What?!....this is great. My Authorities are decreased and the dungeon too but this is still great for me! At least they're good skills "

Xiao Ling was so happy that he forgot the situation in which he was in,

" Summon, Bee "

In a blink of an eye a mass of Shadow gathered in front of him and slowly took the shape of a man, nothing could be seen expect dark terrifying aura

" Master, you summoned me"

it knelt on one knee and spoke in a very respectful tone which made Xiao Ling happier than he was.

" Master, punish your servant... he has failed to protect you.... your servant doesn't deserve to live"

Bee said in a very hurtful tone and in regret,

" What's done is done... and it wasn't your fault...I was neglectful too. But let the past be and let's focus on the present and future, it seems we're in a different world and I... we don't know anything about this place. I want you to get me useful informations, anything helpful will do "

" Master, your servant will.... "

" You broomstar! do you think you were married into my Jun family just to be fed and clothed?!... get out and come and work the sun isn't going to wait for you "

Bee was interrupted as the old lady of the Jun family knocked on the door in anger

" Grand Ma I'm coming... "

Xiao Ling answered politely and signaled Bee to leave before he also walked out of the room,

" Grandma, I wasn't feeling well that's why I couldn't get up early..."

Xiao Ling greeted the old lady with a smile as he stared right at her which shocked the old lady for a few seconds, Xiao Ling has always being timid and would always bow his head down...let alone speak, but that was the old Xiao Ling and they didn't know that. Grandma quickly regained her arrogant demeanor

" prepare the animal foods and feed them, after that feel the tank in the kitchen the water is almost finished. Your second and third sister-in-laws are helping me cook breakfast, hurry up and come and join them....the men will be home soon. "

Grandma left after she gave her command but Xiao Ling stood in place not knowing what to feed the animals, he had the previous Xiao Ling's memories but most were blurry so he didn't know what they fed the animals here. He just didn't want to do anything that'd make the old lady angry so he chose not to do it rather.

After awhile grandma returned to where she left Xiao Ling and found him standing still not doing what she ordered which enraged her..

" Ai ai.... now the broomstar is disrespecting children come and look at the broomstar disrespecting this old woman "

Xiao Ling was bewildered as he stared at the grandma in disbelief as she pointed at his nose and shouted...' when did I disrespect this old lady ' Xiao Ling thought.

" YanZhi, now your wife has started to disrespect me too, you're teaching him to ignore my words since you do too right? Ai..wu wu...I know you don't like me but I'm your father's mother! "

Xiao Ling turned his back to watch behind him at whom Grandma called YanZhi...he was shocked, surprised, intrigued...he just couldn't describe his emotions and there was no words for what he was feeling then...he stared wide eye at YanZhi not saying anything and so did YanZhi. No one has ever escaped his passive skills and there was never a moment when he hadn't noticed when someone walked behind or tailed him unless he chose to ignore, but yet he didn't even hear or notice the arrival of YanZhi, even tho his skills had decreased....he still would have noticed YanZhi's arrival. Xiao Ling quickly got his thoughts back and stared at YanZhi embarrassedly..

" I ... I don't know how wasn't that I didn't want to.. "

Xiao Ling prepared and embraced himself for YanZhi's anger or answer but it never came... infact he had no memory of YanZhi talking much to him or scolding him before. He slowly raised his head to meet the eyes of YanZhi staring at him blankly...Xiao Ling tried to read the expression of YanZhi but all he got was blank...he had always been able to read his opponents expression but he couldn't read that of YanZhi which made him feel threatened, danger, and was on guard....YanZhi noticed all that but still stared blankly as he ( JYZ) could feel the qi of death from Xiao Ling. He released a bit of his qi as he pried a little into Xiao Ling's consciousness, YanZhi still couldn't figure out why Xiao Ling hard a bit of demonic qi but he was sure Xiao Ling wasn't a cultivator and wasn't practicing demonic arts so he (JYZ) shrugged it off and decided not to mind. But Xiao Ling felt terrified of YanZhi staring horrifiedly at him.... Xiao Ling felt as the man in front of him was very beautiful like a delicate flower but was very dangerous and he had to stay away...all which YanZhi noticed but pretended not to notice and picked up the bucket which Grandma left for Xiao Ling to use, YanZhi turned his back to walk away but stopped in his tracks when he was two feet away from Xiao Ling

" I'll do it..."

He ( JYZ) walked away after saying three words leaving Xiao Ling terrified on spot.

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