My life so far

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.Tw suicide mentioned.
My life if u look at it from outside is pretty crazy! So that also means it's extra crazy on how I see it!

The last 3 years have lets just say gotten wacky (ew who still uses that word) but anywayssss.

2020- we had bushfires everywhere In Australia I managed to get asthma officially diagnosed made me skip last day mass and assembly (that is amazing btw) then Covid started and omg learning went down down hill like real bad. Got officially diagnosed with anxiety and depression. And on top off all of that I got braces put on two days after I got pulled out of school the date was march 26 2020.

2021- I missed about 8 months of school due to mental health. Basically bed ridden, everyday things become to much to do and handle, I got suicidal thoughts one point I was scared to cross a road. Couldn't take a bath without being terrified.

2022- ah 2022 the year was supposed to be my first good year in a while going into year 11 was senior finally could leave campus ect. But no that's not what life had in plan. Life had in plan that I would go on to have Covid then long Covid for over a year and I'm still recovering from it. I got Covid 3 days into the new school year February 4. And I was out of school for over 6 weeks. Fast forward I have decided to move from my private catholic all girl's school (well more like I was told to leave because they couldn't support me anymore) so I moved into the public education in my whole schooling life. Oh boy was that a change. You were treated your age! Crazy ik and this is just finished semester one! So I moved to the local college so I was reunited with my childhood friend (basically since birth). I ended up having the whole year off and I had also had gotten my autism diagnosis.

2023- ended up getting diagnosed with narcolepsy were in term 2 as I'm writing this ( Sunday 12 of march)

The amount of disorders I have is yeahh to many for my liking. I have to have a list on my notes app like brooooo.
Words - 386

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