@liampayne: oh cmon, it's not like it wasn't true

@louist91: funny thing: it wasn't true. i just need to finish my sandwich and brush my teeth

@liampayne: brush your teeth ;) planning on something?

@louist91: liam just shut up yeah? i'm not planning on something, everyone brushes their teeth

@liampayne: mhm, well have fun then

@louist91: thanks payno

After what he said he was going to do (eat his sandwich and brush his teeth) it's almost time. Harry can come any minute. He gets that weird feeling again that he can't describe in his stomach about the idea that Harry will be here soon. And no, not because he is nervous, because that is precisely not the case.

Is this perhaps the time for him to tell about his feelings? He has known Harry for two months now and only noticed it last week. Is he - as his father had suggested - ready now?

It might be better to wait. After all, it's only their second time hanging out together and he doesn't want to ruin it by talking about his feelings. Because if Harry doesn't feel the same the whole atmosphere will be ruined.

He decides to wait.

After waiting a while, the bell rings. Louis jerks up to open the door. Maybe a little too enthusiastic. He runs too fast, causing him to slip and smash his head into the front door.

"Louis?" he hears Harry ask on the other side of the door. Shit

He scrambles to his feet and quickly opens the door. "Hi."

"Did you just-"

"Yeah let's not talk about that. You didn't hear or see anything, okay?" Louis interrupts. He's embarrassed enough already.

"Alright." Harry chuckles and follows Louis into the living room. They plop down on the couch and this time nothing is said about how close they were. It just felt right.

Without any awkward silences, the conversation starts right away. It's not even about anything serious, it's just stupid conversations, but you do learn a lot about the other person.

Louis told about a time when he accidentally got the mixer stuck in his sister's hair and had to cut off a piece of her hair.

He had noticed that when you are telling something Harry is listening to you with all his attention. That's nice, you have the feeling that what you say really gets to him. That he doesn't just smile and move on. He seriously listens to your story whether it's about something stupid or not.

At this point, he just knows he likes Harry. His father had told him to be sure of his feelings first. That is clear at the moment. Maybe you can't like someone that quickly, but then this will be the first time.

Everything about Harry is just amazing.

The way he smiles with his dimples showing. The way he can make you feel so special. The way he puts you first when you need help and really tries to help as best he can. And the way Louis can just go on talking about Harry for hours like this proves enough.

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