
i ate got ready and was on my way to my second building the first one was huge and a lot of rooms i oh could see it being a safe place for kids and it was around a lot of kids houses i seen plenty kids outside

so it would a perfect spot but i wanted to keep as. open mind

i still liked the first one a lot so i think i will choose that one and i would be gathering some of the people i know to help like a chef, and old teacher, me ofc and couple of others

i got on my laptop adding to my notes about it for all the stuff i needed to order

i haven't heard from my baby in hours i thought to myself so i picked up my phone calling him he picked right up

"heyy mama"he says making me be so happy to just hear his voice

"hey bae what do you want to eat tonight" i say pulling into kroger cuz i wanted to cook

"chicken alfredo"he says as i run my tongue over my teeth

"ok do you know what time you'll be home around"i say trying to make sure i'll have it done close to that time

"what about 10:30"he said i thought it was kinda late but he was handling business and i was a proud gf to have such an amazing boyfriend

"okay it will be done be safe i love you lots sexy" i say knowing i made him smile hard i always do

"i love you more baby" he says before i hang up going into kroger to get the stuff for the chicken alfredo I don't remember all that i had in the house so i just was going to get everything for it

i got to self check out and i checked out i pulled out sum cash i had got the other day from doing sum girls hair i remember i hadda check my bookings my stuff was picking up alot even tho i was alr doing good i was
doing great i quickly checked my booking thru my website as u was walking out of krogers with bags in my hands i also picked up some more snacks and drinks for my house

"next one is in 2 days that ain't bad" i say seeing my booking was filled for the next couple weeks

"i'll fit his mom in on tuesday"i say talking about xavier's mom


i cooked and waited in xavier to come back to me i texted him i didn't wanna call cuz he was probably busy and if he wasn't he would text me back so i just waited and waited i finally got real hungry around 11:30 or so, i made my plate and ate watching a movie my phone rang loud as i was watching a movie it was xavier which made me get so happy off the fact i could hear his voice

"heyyy where you at"i say not hearning nothing for a second

"Alaniii"i hear mr.clay say thru the phone making me confused like why he was on xavier phone

"oh hello mr.clay why you xavier phone if i may ask" i say hearing the great silence build up again

"xavier's been shot"i heard him say i thought ian hear right yall i coulda swore I was tripping

"what"i say before swallowing the big knot in my throat that was keeping me from speaking

"we are on the way to the hospital right now you can meet us here in Compton hospital"he says beating me to speak first

"i'm on the way"i say hanging up trying to stay calm i just pack a bag quickly and pack him some clothes as well and everything i would need


i finally got to the hospital an hour and twelve minutes later

compton was an hour and thirty minutes away from my house so it took some time but i rushed

i was thinking about him the whole time i was on the road

i got to the hospital going straight to the front desk

"hello im here for my boyfriend Xavier payton clay"i say as the lady types on the computer

"so he is still in surgery ma'am but the waiting room is right over there"she says pointing so i nod

"thank you" i say as i turn around tears roll down my face i go an look around for his parents spotting the sitting down with a group of males

"hello everyone how is he doing"i say lifting my classes up to wipe my tears away

"hii baby"his mom says getting out the chair making everyone look up at me

"hey" i say as she gave tay tay to mr.clay and pulled me into a hug it felt so good honestly this is wat i needed it made ne start crying again but i needed to be strong for him

"lanii"i hear tay tay call out making me pull away from the hug walking over to her

" her pretty girl"i say smiling at her as she was reaching for me so i picked her up holding her on my hip as we just  for what felt like forever


i couldn't close my eyes for a long time even tho i was tired asf tay ray was sleep hugging me and everything was just so still till a nurse comes in my view making me focus on her

" clay family he is in critical condition right now so i can't let y'all back there right this second but he is stable as of right now i'll be back soon as progress is made" she says making a smile appear on my face

"thank you so much" i say opening my gatorade taking a drink

"your welcome" she says turning around walking away

it was not like 5 inna morning and they finally let us see him

"i love you baby"his mom says holding his head kissing his cheek i give them time with him alone as i went to my car to get my bag and pillows and covers and stuff


"alright baby we'll be here in the morning if anything happens please call me" his mom says holding my hand

"ofc" i say hugging her then mr.clay then they leave out and i shut the room door i get comfortable i also bring or favorite cover so i took that raggedy hospital cover off him an put the warm cozy blanket on him i kissed him before I prayed and went to sleep


to be continued.....

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