Chapter 11: The Cadou

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(Last night after enduring the horrible nightmare, Joshua couldn't sleep at first but after waking up horrified with a fright seeing the daughters crazed feeding frenzied state, he was scared at what happened as he saw what the daughters would do if he were to ever see them like that it and if they saw him they would instantly lose control and even worse hurt or kill him but after witnessing it in the dream and telling the daughters what occurred, they were concerned and reassured him that they wouldn't dream or think of inflicting harm upon the one man they love as all three of them embraced him in a hug making him feel better knowing that they love him with all their hearts, but today is the day that Joshua will accept Mother Miranda's gift after giving it some thought and if it goes well, he will ask see if Miranda will do something for Alcina's daughters to where they don't have to stay cooped up in the castle)

(As the sun rose upon House Dimitrescu everything was quiet as the sun's rays lit up the castle casting it's blinding rays)

Joshua:(As I woke up from the suns blinding light, I looked in front of me as Bela's golden Irises meet my eyes)Good morning Bela

Bela: Good morning my sweet, I hope you got some much better sleep after that nightmare you had

Joshua: I did and after that I didn't get anymore nightmares thank goodness

Bela:(Sighs)I'm relieved to hear it love, me and my sisters were very concerned for you even me, like I said whatever we said in that dream of yours was not us, the real us would never ever think of inflicting harm to you, it would break our hearts if that happened, even mine cause I love you so much it would make me sad if we lost control and accidentally killed you we would never forgive ourselves, but know this it will not come to fruition

Joshua: Thank you Bela

Bela: Of course sweetie(Pecks her lover on the lips as she nuzzled his chest pressing her body against his)have you thought about the gift Mother Miranda left for you?

Joshua: I have, and I'm ready to accept it and embrace my new life as part of this big family

Bela: I am so happy to know that you've given this a thought, who knows what kind of abilities you'll have

Joshua: I guess we'll find out once she does the procedure on me, and if it goes well I will ask Mother Miranda and see if she is willing to make something for you an your sisters

Bela: Aww that's so kind of you hun, and if she does do it I'm sure Cassandra and Daniela would be thrilled to know that you have done something for us

Joshua: After all you an your sisters deserve it

Bela: I know I've said this a lot but I love you even more(Nuzzles her head on Joshua's chest)

(A knock on the door was heard)

Joshua: Come in

(Cassandra and Daniela enter the room)

Cassandra: Good morning you two and good morning sweetie, I trust you gotten some much needed sleep?

Joshua: I did thanks to the three of you for comforting me that night

Cassandra: It's no trouble at all brother like Bela said we are at your side whenever you need it, and I couldn't help but overhear, but when auntie successfully implants the cadou within you, you said you'll ask her to see if she would make something for us to where we don't have to fear the cold?

Bela: You heard correct sister

Cassandra: If it comes true then that means...

Joshua: You won't have to stay in the castle forever anymore(I smiled as the daughters jumped on the bed an tackled me)whoa, whoa easy girls(I chuckled)

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