Chapter 4: Adjusting

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(It's now day 4 and today is the day Joshua will be fully healed as Bela Dimitrescu and her sisters have been such a huge help and also Bela has been such a great teacher teaching her secret lover Romanian/Slavic words and would help him if he messed up, and not only that the Dimitrescu's have welcomed Joshua to their family since he doesn't have one but is grateful that they welcomed him in)

(The morning sun rises upon House Dimitrescu and today is finally the day Joshua will be able to fully move once more but will still need time to adjust moving around with one eye since he will be blind in one eye)

Joshua:(As I woke up I was met by Bela's beautiful golden eyes) Buna dimineata Bela

Bela: Buna dimineata my dear did you sleep well?

Joshua: I did and surprisingly enough I didn't feel any pain

Bela: I'm glad to hear it little one, you know what today is right?

Joshua: I do and I can't wait to see how my eye is, hopefully it will be healed though it'll probably take time for me to get used to it

Bela: Do not worry, I will be right by your side to help you we'll take it nice and slow ok

Joshua: Ok

Bela: Let me put my dress on an then we'll take a look at your eye ok(Joshua nods his head at her)

(As Bela puts her dress on she quickly tends to Joshua's eye)

Bela: Let me know if you start to feel slight pain let me know, are you ready?

Joshua: I am(Bela gently unwraps the bandages around my eye)

Bela: Do you feel anything?

Joshua: Oddly enough no I don't(Bela knew this was a good sign and as she fully unwraps my wounded eye Bela was surprised)

Bela: Oh my goodness!(Spoke with excitement)

Joshua: What is it Bela?

Bela: Your eye it, it's completely healed though you do have a large patch of skin covering it but other then that it healed surprisingly well

Joshua: Your serious?

Bela: I am sweetie your eye is fully healed(Smiles)

Joshua:(I sighed with relief)Thank god it's healed though like you said it'll take time to adjust to having one eye now

Bela: You'll get used to it dear(Cups Joshua's face with her palm)now then lets get you freshened up

Joshua: Ok

(Bela helps Joshua into the bath and bathes him meanwhile they both conversate with each other)

Bela: So sweetie, how does it feel knowing that you have a family now, I'd imagine you haven't had a family in so long

Joshua: I'm glad to be apart of your family Bela you have no idea how happy it makes me, and this is honestly the first time I've ever had an actual family, one that accepts me and won't cast me aside to where I won't be alone

Bela: Well I am glad we are your family now love, and you won't have to worry about being alone anymore, like I said we will protect you

Joshua: Thank you Bela, and I'll gladly do the same if it comes to it

Bela: That is so noble of you but please don't sacrifice yourself for us we wouldn't want anything to happen to you

Joshua: Well if I have to then so be it cause, you, your sisters and mother are practically the only ones that have accepted me

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