Chapter 3: Path To Recovery

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(It is now day 3 since Joshua has been welcomed to House Dimitrescu and already the daughters have already begun taking a liking to the man thing especially Bela Dimitrescu the eldest daughter who she has grown attached to and overtime she somehow has a slight crush or more then that which is very odd for her but it would seem that she could have developed feelings the more time she spends with him helping with whatever he needs till he gets back on his feet, but Bela doesn't want her sisters or her mother to know that she is secretly falling in love with the man thing)

(As the morning sun rises upon House Dimitrescu no sound was heard as the sun casts it's blinding glow through the windows of the castle)

Joshua:(As I woke up I looked at Bela who was sleeping soundly next to me and not only that, she had her arms protectively wrapped around me, her beautiful golden eyes opened up meeting my gaze)Good morning Bela

Bela: Good morning sweetheart(Smiles)did you sleep well

Joshua: I did believe it or not, and I couldn't help but notice you have your arms around me

Bela: Well I did say I would stay by your side making sure that nothing would happen that night right

Joshua: Yes you did and I'm thankful for that(Bela smiles at me)

Bela: Of course dear and I'm thankful that you let me stay in here with you last night as well I'd imagine it would be lonely in here now would it

Joshua: Yeah it would be

Bela: Well let me get dressed and we'll check an see how your injuries are doing ok 

(As Bela gets out of bed and puts on her black dress Joshua couldn't help but look at how beautiful she was without it, but he didn't want to be disrespectful so he looked away but was quickly glanced at by Bela who saw him put his head down which caused her to chuckle meaning that she didn't mind her body being seen by the flustered man she grew fond of)

Bela: I noticed you were staring at me little one(Chuckled lightly)

Joshua: I'm sorry I...I didn't mean to stare(I spoke nervously not wanting to look at her)

Bela:(Walks towards the man lifting his face with her finger meeting his eyes with hers)Hey it's ok, your the first person to have seen me without my dress, not many humans that have entered this castle get to see me without it but for you I'm completely fine with it, but lets not let this cause any distractions ok(Spoke in a soft tone)

Joshua: Ok

(As Bela got dressed she quickly tended to the man things injuries, firstly she checked the eye to see how it looked and as she gently unwraps it she noticed how it's looking and surprisingly it's coming along just fine)

Joshua: How's my eye looking?

Bela: It's coming along well, just need to keep doing this and hopefully the next day or two your wound will be completely healed(Smiles with confidence)though you may have trouble seeing with one eye but I think over time you'll get used to it, anyway lets check your leg an arm now shall we(The man nods his head to her allowing her to proceed and when she does, she unwraps the arm cast and once unwrapped Bela asks Joshua to see if he can move it)alright dear can you move your arm for me

Joshua: Ok(As I moved my arm I was relieved that I can move it again)oh wow I...I can move it again (I smiled)

Bela: Good, it seems we are making progress here which is great news, now let us see if your leg can move again(She proceeds to walk towards at the end of bed where the leg is stationed, once there she carefully unwraps the bandaged leg)alright sweetie move your leg for me

Joshua:(I was able to move my leg and to my surprise I didn't feel any pain whatsoever)Oh wow I can move my leg again, this is amazing I can move my body once more(I spoke with happiness)

Bela: I am so happy to hear it but don't get ahead of yourself, take it nice and slow alright

Joshua: Your right Bela I don't want to risk injuring myself again

Bela: Now then the only thing that remains is your eye which'll probably take another day to heal but by then you should be fully recovered(A knock at the door is heard)come in

Cassandra: Good morning you two, I see your tending to our guest already, speaking of which how are you feeling dear

Joshua: Well the good news is I'm able to move my leg and arm again(I smiled)

Cassandra: That is wonderful to hear(Smiles)maybe one day we can play a game of chase

Bela: Cass no

Cassandra: I'm just kidding around sister I'm not actually thinking of wanting to chase him since he is our guest plus I'm beginning to like him, but can I speak to you outside for a minute if you don't mind

Bela: Sure, I'll be right back little one(Bela follows Cassandra into the hall closing the door behind her)yes Cass you wanted to speak to me?

Cassandra: Last night I entered your room but you weren't there, where were you exactly?

Bela: I was down in the garden tending to my plants

Cassandra: Really now, I can tell your lying Bela you never lie

Bela: Ugh...ok fine you caught me, I was in the guest room with our guest

Cassandra: Oh, and what were you doing in there with him(Gasps)you slept with him didn't you

Bela: It's not like that, I only did it cause something could've happened and I wouldn't be there to help him that's all

Cassandra: Uh huh sure you were Bela

Bela: You know what Cass you can fuck off if your not gonna believe me

Cassandra: Whoa sister calm down I'm just kidding, god your so uptight sometimes you know that

Bela: You better not say anything to Daniela

Cassandra: Ok ok I promise I won't say anything

Bela: Good(Both she and Cassandra enter the guest room)were back little one sorry about that

Joshua: It's fine, is everything ok?

Cassandra: Everything is fine dear one nothing serious or anything like that I just needed to talk to Bela for minute that's all, I'm sorry if we worried you

Joshua: It's ok

Cassandra: But I also came in to tell Bela that it's breakfast time plus I wanted to pop in and see how your doing

Joshua: Thank you for checking up on me

Cassandra: Your welcome sweetie, we will bring you back something to eat ok, for now keep getting your much needed rest

Joshua: I will

Bela: I'll join you three in a minute ok Cass

Cassandra: Alright sister(Swarms off closing the door behind her)

Bela: Well before I go lets rewrap your wound with fresh bandages ok

Joshua: Alright

(As Bela puts fresh bandages around the eye she was very careful and tender with her hands not wanting to make the process uncomfortable for the man as she wraps the wound nice and easy)

Bela: There we go, that wasn't so bad now was it darling

Joshua: Oddly enough it didn't hurt as much when you were putting fresh bandages around my eye

Bela: That's good to hear love, now then I must go and join my sisters and my mother for breakfast, I will return when I can, just keep resting alright

Joshua: I will Bela(She smiles at me as she plants another kiss on my forehead as she leaves)

(As Bela made her way down to the dining hall she was greeted by her mother)

Lady Dimitrescu: Good morning my daughter glad you could join us

Bela: Good morning mother

Lady Dimitrescu: How is our guest doing this morning

Bela: He's doing great mother he is able to move his arm and leg again but his eye still needs to heal so it will most likely take another day to be fully healed but progress is going well nonetheless

Lady Dimitrescu: That is great to hear, now then I will be gone for a few hours as there is a meeting with the other lords so I expect this castle to be spick an span when I get back, understood

(Yes mother the three spoke in unison)

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