Nothing Personal

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"What makes you so special?" Damian suddenly spat. "Is it because you're Team Captain's kid?"

You sighed, jumping off the couch.

"Oh! Jon," you looked shocked when you spotted him.

Batcow emerged from her hiding spot, and Jon stared in awe.

"You have a cow?"

"It's Damian's," you rolled your eyes.

"Of course, I have a cow."

"When was the last time you milked her?" Jon asked, brow raised.

"Milked her?" Damian repeated.

"Yeah... you-you have to milk it, it's a cow. Listen, I can milk her, dude. It's fine, it's no problem,"

"Over my dead body!" Damian shoved Jon back. "I don't need some small town... hick telling me how to take care of a cow. I'm the grandson of the demon's head. I've killed more people than you'll ever meet. So leave my cow and my cave alone!"

He stomped off, leaving you to groan.

"Sorry, Jon. You can milk her,"

"Oh... okay, do you have a Batbucket?"

"Sure do," you began to dig around the cave, searching for a bucket.

"Did you make your costume?"

"Huh? Yeah, the original is upstairs, along with the second and third. Batman just makes a copy and we can really do whatever we want with it. I... went a little crazy,"

You motioned to your jean shorts, fishnet leggings, knee-high converse and oversized-unzipped hoodie.

"Everyone else just added sleeves or took away the cape."

"I like your costume," Jon spoke meekly.

"Thank you!" You smiled, walking towards him with the bucket.


"Green Arrow, is that you?" Batman asked.

Day raised a brow, and Renee looked the screen up and down skeptically.

"Yes, sorry. We're having trouble with the comms. Whatever hit the Watchtower knocked out a couple of transmitters, but we're almost up and running."

"Understood," Batman replied. "Keep me updated as to your progress."

"Of course, Batman. Watchtower, out."

"Somethings off," all four of them said at once.

"He didn't even compliment me!"

"Yeah, he didn't even compliment her!" Day agreed with Renee.

"Let me drop Jonathan at home and we'll head to the Watchtower," Superman spoke. "See what's really going on."

"I need to move laundry, but I'll meet you guys there," Day began to levitate towards the exit out of the cave.

"I'm gonna catch a nap," Renee bent down, pecking Bruce on the cheek. "You call me, okay? Stay safe."

She walked off.

"Hey, Dad." Jon walked in.

"Hey. Ready to go?"

"Yep. Uh, Mr. Batman? You have an awesome cave. It was really great to meet you. Oh, and, uh, here." Jonathan handed Batman a large bucket of milk.


"How was your trip?" You asked Renee as she sipped her coffee.

She shrugged.

"Have to go back to work either way."

"Maybe it's time you retire,"

Renee groaned.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?! I'm not retiring before Jim! I wanna be Commissioner."

"You're Chief," you laughed.

"I know, I know," she plopped down across the table from you. "Was I too hard on Damian?"

"The girl he likes thinks he's rude, and my boyfriend-to-be insulted him to his face. He's just having a tough time... I feel guilty."


"Because I'm not taking good care of him."

Renee sighed.

"I know we raised you to worship the relationship a Blackbird has with her Robin, but look at what's happened. It's always torn apart, by Batgirl, Starfire, Supergirl, Joker, you name it. Blackbirds never end up with Robins. But, hey, your mom is happy. And Rachel is happy with Bart. Just be happy, Lorri. Be happy with Gar."

You sighed as Renee pecked your cheek, and grabbed her keys.

Be happy with Gar...

"Hey, Bart and Rachel are coming over for dinner tonight to celebrate their engagement, so be sweet. And make sure Damian is up and eats breakfast."

"Yes ma'am..."

𝗕𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗕𝗶𝗿𝗱 • Damian Wayne x Female Insert/ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz