a disruption to peace

Start from the beginning

"[State]" He backs off a few feet at your words. You breathe out shakily again, staring with wide eyes at the ground. What the hell was this? Why the hell had you pissed him off so much? How did he even find get your ID?

"How did you get to Knoxville?" You snap up at his words, meeting his eyes again. America raised an eyebrow in scrutiny as you wrap your arms around each other.

"I came from Roling with friends."

"I thought we already determined that you weren't from Roling." He scoffs, returning to glaring at you, "Try again."

"It's the truth!"

"Fine then." He crosses his arms, clearly not believing a word that came out of your mouth, "What friends did you come with then? Give me their names."

"I'm not giving you shit." Like hell you were telling him anything more about Vivian and Justin. They're all you have in this awful life your living. You have no desire to sell them out and put them in harms way.

America approaches you again. Was he trying to weaponize your unease to make you talk? Like hell you're falling for that now. He smiles ominously.

"Tell me their names. You won't like what will happen if I have to find them myself." He laughs at you again as your anger shifts back into fear. What would he do if he had to find them? Is that something worth risking?

You glance back behind him at the open entrance. Could you just make a break for it now? Do you really think you could outrun him? You were fast, there was no doubt about that, but could you outrun a countryhuman? You heard rumours of them being more physically adept than a regular human but was this really the time to put that theory to the test?

"What are you doing?"


"God, you're so ditzy." America rolls his eyes at you, "Do you really think I wouldn't notice you staring at the entrance? You do know who I am right?" He scoffs, shaking his head, supposedly at your 'ditziness'. The audacity of this man.

"Of course I do!"

"Then you know what I'm capable of." His threat was not without validity, he was the representative of a superpower after all, "So, what are you waiting for? You'd better tell me before something bad happens, right? You wouldn't want that now, would you?" His tone shifts to a teasing one. He knew he was winning this, didn't he? You, at the very least, knew you were losing. That thought terrified you. You had spent years of your life, striving for the top spot in everything you tried, and here you were losing a pointless conversation, that you should have been able to manage. Who are you kidding? You are a mess, full stop. You can't handle anything.

"Their names are Vivian and Justin Evans."

"Took you long enough. Siblings?" You nod, dropping your gaze to the ground as your heart follows suit, landing in the pit of your stomach, "I guess that follows. How'd you end up in Roling then? It's not like it's a short walk from [city] to there."

How were you supposed to explain your way out of this one? Knowing the way that this has gone so far, you wouldn't be surprised if America would lock you up in a mental hospital if you told him you were a time traveller. That's a no-go, but what kind of explanation could you make up to not tell him? You sigh, glancing down at the ground.

You open your mouth to speak, only to be immediately cut off. America's head snaps to the open entrance as a loud bang floods the area, taking his eyes off you for the first time since he threw you into the alley. You could always avoid telling him by bolting, but is there enough room for you to make it by without him catching you? You couldn't tell, and there was also the chance that even if you did make it through without him catching you that he would just be able to catch up with you while running. But who were you, if not an overachiever?

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