Limited Time

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Yn's POV:

I walked into the Hard Deck, ready to start my shift. I had to come in a little later today because of a doctors appointment. Penny, being as wonderful as she is, let me come in late.

The bar was just getting into that busy hour of the night. I walk through the crowd and go to the back. I put down my purse and grab my black apron that just goes around my waist.

I start tying the strings in the back. I go behind the bar and ask Penny that's across the counter from me. "What do you need me to do?"

"Ah Yn!" She comes over and pulls me into a hug. "How did it go?"

"They said that it's not getting better, or worse so yeah." Penny knew that I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes about four months ago. "But that's beside the point what do you need help with."

"Umm, you see that group by the pool table, can you go ask if they need any refills or anything?" She said pointing over to that direction.

"Yeah of course, leave all the stuck up military men up to me." I joked.

I walked over to the pool table and stopped. "Hi guys! How ya' doing tonight?" I said in a cheery voice.

"Pretty good." One of them answered.

"Can I get y'all anything? Any refills? New drinks? Food?" I said my Alabama accent showing.

"Y'all? You from Texas?" Said one of the guys. He had his own slight country accent.

"Alabama. Sir."

"Sir? You hear that guys?"

"Don't get that in your head, peach. Now, drinks? Going once, going tw-"

"I could go for another beer." One of them said.

"Sure thing." I looked at the guy I was talking to earlier about where I'm from. "What about you?"


"Wait let me guess. Whiskey?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"When you work at a bar for years you tend to pick up on that type of stuff. I'll be right back out now y'all."

I went back to the bar and grabbed a beer and a glass filled with whiskey. I went back over to the two men. There was now three other guys, one sitting down eating peanuts, and the others behind a girl.

I gave the guys there drinks, and turned to the new people. "Hi y'all what can I get ya tonight?"

They all said they didn't want anything. "Okay, well if you do, you know where to find me." With that I walked off to the bar once again.

Tonight was pretty busy for a Tuesday night. I was walking and turning all night long. It was a non stop movement from table to table. Grabbing drinks from left to right.

I start to get a dizzy feeling in my head, "hey Penny can I take five?"

"Yeah, you all good?"

"You know."

"Okay, don't be to long!"

"I won't!" I went to the back and grabbed my purse then headed outside where no one was. Everyone stayed inside with the air conditioning on because even at night it was still hot.

I set my bag down on one of the tables and pulled all my stuff out. I grabbed my blood tester and pricked my pointer finger and put it on the top of the machine. Since it said my blood sugar was low I had to take a shot of insulin.

I picked up my purse and headed inside. I put it in the back and returned to work. I walked out of the swinging doors was was greeted by a familiar face.

𝙹𝙰𝙺𝙴 "𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙶𝙼𝙰𝙽" 𝚂𝙴𝚁𝙴𝚂𝙸𝙽Where stories live. Discover now