(The Children) Opila bird and Stinger Flynn

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Hi, yall, It's Luz, and I'm back with another story!

Requested: Yes Weirdcakes304

Did I want it?: No, but it was fun to write

Is it short?: Yes very

Warnings?: None

Game one or two: Two

Word goal: 800 words

I don't know why but I'm listening to TransGender By Crystal Castles right now lol

Prompt: Stinger Flynn is Helping Opila Bird put her children to bed for the night :)

IM CALLING HER CHILDREN Joe, Kenny, Tom, Jerry, Jeff, AND Tod


Opila is having some trouble getting her chicks into the nest for bed. Ever since that human and NabNab (Haha reference) came through and caught all my kids, the children have been more cautious about where I am and how to get away from me. It's like they devised a whole plan on how to evade me in less than 5 minutes! I swear I'm going to punt these children to the moon and leave them there! As I ran after them, constantly switching to different chicks to see if they would slow down but to no avail, I just sat down on the artificial grass and just watched them chirp and run around for a couple of minutes. That's when a familiar orange jellyfish made his way into the room. He saw the chicks running around and Opila's defeated form sitting on the floor. She looked very distracted by the ground, I'm pretty sure she was thinking (HMMMM The grass here is made out of grass O_O) or something. So I went to catch one of the chicks, they were slippery little things but I managed to catch one of them in time for Opila to sense someone else was in the room with her.

"You need any help?"

Opila sensed somebody else in the room with her, she knew this because she felt a breeze right next to her head.

Opila looked up suddenly to see nonother than Stinger Flynn holding a chick in one of his tentacles. Upon realizing that he was there, calculated what he was holding and how he was holding it She was worried that he would end up stinging the chick with his tentacles but it looked quite happy and comfortable now that it wasn't screeching its little beak off, I guess Flynn's stinger doesn't work on mascot birds or something like that.

"Oh, Hi Flynn, yea I would love some help." "They are all being very bad today, I don't know why this has never happened before" Opila stood up, fluffed out her wings, and walked over to Flynn, just to stop in front of him. "Hey, no worries, having many arms allows me to help more people! even you!" With that statement, Flynn turned around, traveled back up to the nest, and placed the chick carefully in it. As he was retracting one of his many arms from the nest he heard a loud screech from the next room followed by some sounds of struggle and then it was quiet again. Flynn was about to go back to Opila to check on her and just Then Opila rounded the corner as Flynn was walking back holding a very angry-looking (Teal?) and red chick. "He looks mad," said Flynn taking the chick from Opilas wings. "I mean, I would be mad too if I had to go to bed early but he looks like... Mad mad, REALLY MAD MAD." "Oh? You mean Tod? yea he's just like that, he hates going to bed, it's like he's a Killer night Owl more than an (Insert Opila Bird Type because I don't know it O_o) it's funny to watch him pout in anger after he is eventually caught." Opila laughed a little bit.

"That's funny, what a funny joke because I swear this one looks like it is about to kill something or someone," Said Flynn turning back around and placing the chick next to the regular colored one. Opila turned and ran back into the other room with Flynn close in pursuit only for Flynn to get in there and find her on the floor struggling with something. "IVE GOT TWO!" echoed Opila's voice. Flynn took the two and placed them in the nest alongside their siblings. "That's four out of six caught!" shouted Flynn. "Ouch! Stop pecking me or I will send you to timeout!" Shouted Opila. Flynn laughed at that loud enough for Opila to hear from the other room. "Hey! It's not funny! I swear they are going to peck all of my feathers off!" shouted Opila, she was struggling to hold her chicks. "Alright, I'm coming! Don't get your tail in a twist." Opila let out an audible sigh at his joke, at this point HOLY FRICK I'm going to throw these children to the sun and back IF THEY DONT STOP PECKING ME OH MY GOSH! This cycle continued for a long while, and Flynn also caught a few of the children himself instead of relying on Opila to catch them all (Pokemon! ok ill leave...) after they both caught the remaining chicks and managed to make them fall asleep Flynn and Opila went back into the now dark room. "Thank you for helping me, Flynn," said Opila going to lie down on the grass. "Anytime" Replied Flynn walking out of the room.




Did we meet our word goal?: Yup

aight ill see yall next time

Garten of BanBan *1 and 2* (Oneshots)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz