I look back at him with a smile. It drops when he glares at me and pulls his taser gun out. I lift my gun up and pull the trigger, his body shoots back against the wall, his hand flying to his throat as he gargles and chokes on his own blood.

"Let's go." I cock my guns slider back the empty and hot shell falling out as I walk through the since opened door.


I whistle as I walk through the endless halls, cells among cells stretching. Male and female villains peeking their heads out cheering as they see Shigaraki beside me. Thinking, hoping, wishing he was here to free them. Cheer after cheer dying out as we pass them, without a second look.

I spin a corner and lift my gun pulling the trigger at cell 190, the guard slumping against the wall without as much of a gasp. I strut over and kick his body off the door peering through the small spy glass.

"Kuro, love, you in there?" I ask tapping a nail on the thick glass,

"Miss Akuma?" A confused voice as a man with soft white-baby-blue hair walks up to the door, his body covered by a white and black tartarus prison suit.

I grin up at the tall man, "Sure is. Came to break you out."

His brows pinch together, "That is terribly dangerous Miss Akuma, I must assure you I am fine here and won't hold a grudge if you leave, that I recommend you do leave."

I shake my head as I snatch a keycard off the guards belt, "Nonsense." I swipe it at the door and it clicks sliding open. "Come along, we have one more stop to make."

I reach a gloved hand out to him and his pale thin hand slides into it, "I'm glad to see you my friend, it's been way too long." He smiles down at me, his eyes glowing a yellow as he steps out of the quirk erasing cell. His blue hair floating up as he changes to a smokey black.

"It has, dear girl." He presses a quick hand to my face before he gives me one last visible smile before his body puffs into that purple-black smoke ridden body that I remember.

He clasps his hands together in front of his body, "Shall we go get Sir Dabi now?"

I look up at him confused, "You saw him get brought in?"

He nods, "Oh yes of course, he's in cell 206."

My eyes brighten, "Can you teleport us?"

He shakes his head, "Unfortunately Miss Azuki, I cannot."

I sigh and nod, "Alright let's go."


I glide my way through the long halls, the boys downing any guard we saw before they noticed us. With a sharp turn I angrily pull out my dagger and stab it into the throat of an unsuspecting guard, his blood squirting out as he gasps and chokes his hands gripping my wrist as I bend with him while his body goes down. I rip my knife out and snap my head to cell 210, he wasn't in 206.

"Dabi? You in there?" I breathe out as I lean up to the spyglass.

"Dabs? Baby?" I release a low growl as I see a smaller man slumped on the bed sleeping, it wasn't Dabi. I slam my hands into the cell a few times before I let out a guttural scream as I spin around.

"You said he was in 206 Kuro. Where. The. Fuck. Is. He?" I couldn't stop myself from snapping, the rage boiling to the surface, the man in front of me places his hands at my shoulders leaning down.

"Miss Akuma, getting angry won't help us find him. Calm yourself and we'll keep looking." I heave out breaths as I spin around shrugging his arms off. "Hurry up." I stomp forward as I shove my knife into its holster.

My Hero Academia - Watercolor EyesWhere stories live. Discover now