🔗🖤Dark HC's🖤🔗

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Here are My personal Headcannons for:


● Loves his Suits. They make him feel powerful and help him show that he Demands respect, they also bring him comfort as its what Damien used to wear. He has a section of his wardrobe dedicated to hanging his suits, he also keeps them ironed and wrinkle free, he keeps his ties in a draw too, neatly rolled up. He has comfortable clothes too, such as hoodies, sweatpants and tee's. But the only people that he EVER let's see him wearing them are you, Wilford and Mark. He feels that the others will laugh and fear him less if they saw him in Normal clothes. He also will never admit it, but he has a pair of pink Bunny slippers that Wilford gave him one year, that he absolutely adores.

●His Aura Changes slightly to be more red or blue depending on who's coming through more. Celene or Damien. He also hears them in his thoughts, usually arguing. However he can tone them out.

●He lets Damien Take control every once and a while, allowing him to see the egos, and have control for a bit. This is usually if he desires a rest from the day to day tomfoolery in the Iplier Manor, and will usually only do it if there is no work to be done, although Wilford and Damien are ALWAYS happy to take over for him for a bit when he needs go rest.

●Has moments where he renembers the Events of THAT NIGHT. He renembers how he used to be Damien, and how he Merged with celene. He renembers how william went insane and eventually became Wilford, He also renembers you, how you used to be one of Damiens best friends, how you worked beside him as his DA..... how he took your body that night, to escape the House entity, But he also renembers how he found a new vessel for you to use.......(Again More HC Lore)

●Is an absolute softy on the inside, thanks to Damien. He portrays the Dark, Fearsome Demon boss around the other egos, but around you, mark and Wilford he let's his soft side out, (only around Mark in the situations that they are dating, otherwise he is planning to overrule the channel and destroy him as per usual)

●He loves anything red velvet and/or dark chocolate, Anything from cupcakes, to cookies, to cakes, If it's dark chocolate or red velvet, he loves it.

●He has a faint scent of Mint, no one really knows why

●Loves roses of any colour, but he has a particular love for black, red and pink roses.

●His skin is greyscale, just Like we see in clips of him. However when he's Damien it turns normal, this also helps the egos differentiate between the two at first glance, as both wear suits.

●Says Oh Lucifer rather than oh God, and replaces God with Lucifer in all other contexts

●He's one of the smaller egos standing at 6'4 (188cm) The others average 6'5 to 6'6

●His Powers consist of;

-Time warping, just Like Wilford


-Can create dark spaces, where colour is drained out, basically making everything grayscale

-Mind Control

-Can make objects appear out of knowhere, he mainly uses it for glasses of wine🍷

-can make himself look like Mark for a limited amount of time, this explains how he made himself look like Mark in ADWM.


All the egos thought he was straight asf, until he and wilford/he and damien/he and Mark started dating, then they realised he's BI


Who I ship him with (Please don't hate me😬)

Dark x the reader. Obviously

Darkstashe (Darkiplier x Wilford)

Dark x Damien (Don't ask how it works)

Dark x Mark (Again don't ask)


Pet names;

For You- Dear, Love, Dove, Darling

For Wilford-  Will, Wilfie, Dove

For Damien- Damey, Darling, Dear

For Mark- Markimoo, Marki, Love, Baby

For Him- Darki, Darkipoo, Dear, Love


Phone Name:

For you: Dove🤍🕊

For wilford- Wilfie💖🍭

For Damien- My Better Half💙😇

For Mark- My Love❤️🥰

For Him- Darkling🖤😈


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