Start from the beginning

"I'll give you everything he never could." Oh Jaeyun, what are you doing to me? With those loving words you definitely prevent me from leaving you.

I know he told me to not let my father's words get at me, but I couldn't just ignore the pain in my heart. The scar that never heals, the wound that always bleeds when he talks to me that way.

Through my blurry vision, I could see my blanket getting wet from the tears that kept uncontrollably escaping from my eyes.

What did I do to deserve this treatment?
How can I break free from the chains my father put around me?
I just want to become independent, so that I won't have to spend any of his disgusting money.
Hence, I have to work hard to get good grades, so I can become successful...

For a few minutes it was quiet and I could only hear my sniffles in that empty, blank room, until I heard Jaeyun slightly raising his voice from outside the room.

"I will not obey my father's orders anymore. I'm sorry if this upsets you, Mr. Hwang, but you cannot change my mind on this topic," he sounded pissed.

"Jake, your father signed a document, promising you would get married to Sooha a year ago. Thus, you're bound by law to cooperate," Dad warned him.

No... This can't happen... What am I going to do?

"If you don't have anything reasonable to say, I'd advise you to leave this building. Next time you come here and talk about this bullshit, I won't be so nice on you," Jaeyun snapped with a cold voice.

I've never heard him speak in that bitter tone, it makes the goosebumps on my skin rise...

"Oh and also... Don't even dare to show your face if you keep hurting Yera like that. I don't need you to care about me when you don't even care about your own daughter."

"You don't have a word in this, Jake. Sadly, you fell in love with the wrong daughter of mine, don't think this won't have any consequences," Dad responded, anger audible. I could hear some footsteps fading and assumed my father just left the place.

He didn't even check up on me nor face me... Am I that much of a horrible person?

I heard the sound of the door opening and immediately looked at the person entering. I already knew who it was, but I was still hoping he didn't just left me behind and still cared for me like he did years ago... But it was only Jaeyun standing there.

"He... Left," he stated carefully, reading me like an open book.

"It's okay," I assured with a quiet voice, my head hanging low now.

Jaeyun closed the door and sat down next to me. "It's not okay and you know that."

"He shouldn't have treated you like that, that's a horrible thing to do. I can see in your eyes that you're hurt and you know what? It's completely alright, don't bottle your emotions up," he kissed the crown of my head.

"I'm here if you want to shout, cry or laugh. Just show me any emotion, I don't care as long as it's your true one."

He cares about my feelings so much, he's a beautiful person. Nothing can ever stop me from being with him because of the way he treats me. Something inside of my head just snapped in that moment and I knew I had to get these words out.

"Jaeyun?" I called him in an almost inaudible voice.

"Yes, my love?" he continued hugging me tight, with my head on his chest. Through this position I could feel his heartbeat, my favorite thing about him.

"I love you," I finally said out, closing my eyes. And I really meant it.

In the past, I've been unable to show people how I really feel because I always had that fear that they'd eventually leave, which always ended up to be the case.

Now however, I feel like I can freely say it. Because it simply felt right to do so. No matter if the future had other plans for us, I just needed to let him know.

He slowly released from the hug and stared at me with widened eyes. I just looked up at him, curious of his next move.

My heart felt like exploding. No matter how much I stare into his eyes, I never get tired. Brown eyes are very common, but his one's aren't just brown eyes, they're my brown eyes. As long as I can see his eyes looking at me like that, I just know they belong to me.

"I love you too, so much, baby," he replied, not taking his eyes off me. Our faces were centimeters apart now while we both continued leaning in.

Our lips met and he kissed me in the most passionate way possible. My heart was beating so fast when he put his hand underneath my jaw to deepen the kiss. I loved his soft lips so much. As long as they kiss me like that, they're my lips and I know they belong to me.

I love you so much, Sim Jaeyun. I'm afraid I don't even know what love is without you.


author's note: Y'all told me to have mercy on them in the last chapter, so I did.😒 But I can't say the same for the next chapter.😏

𝗛𝗘𝝠𝗥𝗧 𝗧𝝝 𝗕𝗥𝗘𝝠𝗞, sim jaeyun.Where stories live. Discover now