After that trip, I met with Quinn for a snack. Italian food just pulls you to eat, even when you just ate.

"She did not?!" Quinn exclaimed in disbelief while laughing after I told her about my visit to Nonna.

"She did, you know how she is," I argued.
Quinn was seated across the table from me at a simple yet beautiful restaurant.

"I'll come, I miss her desserts, even if it costs her pushing us to get back together," she said while taking a sip of her wine.

"Do you think it's weird?" I asked randomly.
She arched her naturally arched eyebrows at me.

"We had quite the breakup earlier this year yet we are able to still talk like this," I said.

"I don't think it's weird. We dated close to four years, you were not only my boyfriend, you were my best friend.
Don't tell Michie or Rosie that," she added quickly.

I laughed at that. I was so telling Michie.

"Moving on. We've been with each other through good and tough times. We've been each other's entire world at a point. I don't think that's something you easily throw away.
Also, you know a lot. I would have to get you killed if we ever end on bad terms," she joked, I hope.

"I wanted to say this shortly after we broke up but I couldn't so I'll say it now. Off the record cause I know we are seeing different people," I clarified.
"maybe you weren't my 'forever meant to be' but a part of me really hoped and wanted it to be you."

"Have you been listening to Khalid?" she asked while trying not laugh.

"Way to ruin the moment but I blame you. Your sister got me hooked to that guy's music," I complained.
"but anyway, like Dr. Suess once said-"

"Don't cry because it's over, smile cause it happened,"

"The more you learn, the more places you'll go"
We said simultaneously.

"That's the wrong saying Sciocco," she laughed.

We talked for a bit more before heading to Rosetta's place and thus marking the beginning of my boys night out.

"Here they are," Rosetta said as we walked into the living room.

She stood up and walked towards us. With model legs that run for days, she towered over Quinn as they hugged.
She then turned to me and flicked my forehead before gracing me with a kiss on both cheeks.

"Divina, haven't seen you in a while, heard you're single now," a musculine voice with a German accent said. Anthony Klein.

You know how every group will have a player, aka the manwhore. That's Anthony.

Someone scoffed at Anthony's comment and I swear it wasn't me. I looked in the person's direction and was faced with the other playboy of the group. Anthony's cousin.
Eric Albrechet-Klein. I swear they look like twins.

"Eric mate, alright over there?" the black British guy asked while trying not to laugh. Daniel Lancaster.

The guy who stood next to him equally wore an amused expression. He was Thai, Nathaniel Rueng.
Then two men walked into the room.

"Quinn, haven't seen you in a while," the French one came and kissed both of Quinn's cheeks.

"Adrian, always a pleasure to see you," Quinn replied. Adrian Toussaint-Monet was not a man to be messed with.

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