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"He's suffered a traumatic brain injury, it's the best for his health to let him rest now", said doctor Vivienne.
Charles lifted his head up slightly which caused him so much pain that he regretted it immediately, and looked through the window of his hospital room. Two policemen were standing in front of the door and were talking with the doctor. Shortly after she left and the two men in white/blue uniforms walked in.
"Good morning, Monsieur Leclerc", said one of them, both of them took their hats off.
Charles head was too heavy, he woke up maybe an hour ago from four weeks long sleep. Despite it all he tried and smiled at those men, he's always been that kind of a person who puts his own problems to the side.
They asked a lot of questions and in Charles' head there were already only questions, thousands of them and not a single answer.
After they left he was about to ask for his phone, he wanted to see his girlfriend, his teammate Carlos and his best friend Pierre. But an unexpected visit interrupted him.
A young man, wearing white pants and a blue red jacket was standing in front of him. These colors looked familiar, he didn't even need to look at the face, he knew it was him. Anything else wouldn't make sense. He was holding a bouquet of yellow tulips in his hand.
"Max", Charles said, he expected his voice to sound more disappointed.
"Charles, are you alright mate?", said the 24 year old Dutch driver and put the tulips in a vase on the little table next to the door.
"I'm very confused, Max. I don't know what happened, I can't remember anything", he looked in his eyes, "Why are you here?"
"What do you mean? We're friends, I've been here every day for four weeks, Leclerc."
Charles felt some sort of pain, but not physical pain.
"The thought of losing you has been fucking with my sanity. You, my rival, my enemy, what would i be without you?"
Those words hit Charles harder than the baseball bat, that was found next to him that night someone knocked on his front door at 3 am.
"I wanna go home, dude."

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