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Looking at his friend's face made him realize he hasn't done that for ages. Now he was so focused on his facial features, little wrinkles around his eyes and his perfect lips. With every look Max imagined his lips or eyes moving and forming into a smile which he saw so many times during race days. Although he never dared to look directly at him.
What would Charles think if he saw him here sitting next to his hospital bed? After all these years, the reasons that caused them to go separate ways, he knew that the Monégasque should still be mad at him. But now things are different, it feels like the time stands still and that he's going to sleep like this forever, like he's been doing for a couple of weeks now.
All his life Max has been thought that he should remain strong even in the hardest of situations. It's not easy to take any of his father's advices now that his bestfriend is laying there unconscious. He knew what Charles held of the way Max's father was treating him and he wanted to hear it so bad from him just one more time.
He lifted his hand up shakingly to put it on the top of Charles' palm. The hand on the bed looks so manly and at the same time so delicate. He isn't wearing any rings and Max wondered if he's ever going to see the old Charles again.
His skin is warm, Max almost feels the blood going through his vains. Their touch never felt this way, like it was connecting their souls. Max held his breath while he felt his jaw shaking.
He heard the door behind him open and Carlos was already in the room.
Many drivers and family members have been seeing him on the hospital station and gave him weird looks at first. That changed overtime when everyone remembered how close they were in the past. Now everyone was treating Max with empathy and hospitality, except Carlos. Max didn't know what it was but him and Carlos couldn't get along when it comes to Charles - it felt like the Spaniard was trying to push him off the track in their case.
The steps behind him made him take his hand back to himself so fast as if Charles' skin was a hot pan.
"How is he today? ", asked the throaty voice.
"No changes", replied Max very flat.
He stood up and left the room without even looking at Carlos.
The next day he was having a meeting with his team, when his phone rang.
"Yes, it's Max", he said into the phone. As soon as he finished the call, he grabbed his jacket and left the place with his crew looking after him.

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