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Like the fury of winds

When they fling huge raindrops

To within and amidst

Solid surface and cracks,

Whamming all directions,

Hate without aversion ...

Rain and wind dance in two,

Twisting and swirling 'round

In madness through and through

To their shrill, tragic sound,

Breaking powerful trees;

Floods the soil won't miss ...

Power that wasn't known.

When the fallen still fall,

It's much like hell below.

The human heart's given

Into going berserk.

Destruction gets taken

By anything that works.

It's nature of humans

To be the wild beasts once ...

And then it really ends.

Storm is gone; winds are calm.

Sun goes out; warmth it sends.

As if it has been calm.

After getting crazy,

Now, Nature is saintly.

Same as the mortal we,

Changing so suddenly.

Kindness that has been known

Like it hasn't at all

Died, but alive; aglow.

(June 13, 2013)

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