A Place Called Home

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Standing on unknown soil,

Breathing in the brand new air,

Amidst all of the faceless crowds ...

There is nothing like going home;

To be comfortable and alone,

To lie and dream where the sun shone.

Protection of four walls and roof.

Hearing the dog's bark in the room.

But some friendships get very old,

And, when they do, they rust and spoil,

Making it ugly like wrecked coins.

You know when you really must leave;

Walk out in the dark, rainy eve.

Standing on unknown soil,

Breathing in the brand new air,

Amidst all of the faceless crowds ...

People live where there is comfort.

The strong ones get themselves real "lost"

Beyond love, beyond every sort

To stand up for the greater good,

To achieve things that no one would.

And we are like little surfers,

Just spirits drifting in life's waves.

We have to leave, to go, to drive.

Home gets smaller in the distance

As long as I look back in life.

It disappears in far sunset.

I felt left behind when I left.

Standing on unnamed soil,

Breathing in the brand new air,

Amidst all of the faceless crowds ...

Do they know how hard it is to leave

When a part of us got left behind?

Standing on unnamed soil,

Breathing the brand new air,

Amidst all of the faceless crowds,

Only your heart is a place called "home."

(March 21, 2013)

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