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Andrei played his sport.

Andrei joked with me.

Andrei liked the fort.

Andrei liked to make me laugh.

Andrei knew what was enough.

Andrei read his book.

Andrei worked with you.

Andrei liked the scoop.

He made you learn 'bout the world.

Andrei liked to help you hoard.

You and I saw him

In the light so dim.

And you know what I mean:

That Andrei doesn't exist.

Only we can see his wish.

We could have gone away,

We could have fought like this,

We could have decided

To ruin or help him.

We can go away,

We can fight like this,

You and I decide

To ruin or help him.

This ain't as it seems

When decision comes

From people like us.

(October 14, 2011)

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