Anniversary Special- Lumine's backstory

Start from the beginning

That's where things get... uh different? Ok but anyways, Aether vividly remembers being separated from Lumine just before Khaenri'ah's destruction began. He remembers frantically running through the falling white roads through the blood red sky engulfed in cubes, only to see an entire civilisation he had grown fond of, being utterly destroyed, its inhabitants all cursed in various forms by the gods. He still ran through the crumbling streets of Khaenri'ah, trying to get to the royal palace, hopin that perhaps he could help salvage the situation with the king. Yet, what he saw was the dying figure of the ruler, begging him to make a promise to revive Khaenria'ah, to not let it fall and remain in the hands of 'those disgusting gods'. Overcome with anger at the heavenly principles for detsroying an entire human civilisation just because they grew incredibly advanced and didn't worship any god, he agreed to the request. That's when his journey through Tevyat began, with another companion called Dainsleif, who had too been cursed, but he still retained his consciousness and intellect. He had two aims for choosing to stay in Tevyat- fulfil the big promise he made to the ruler of Khaenri'ah, and find and awaken his beloved elder sister.

And after that we know what happens (or do we?)

And after that we know what happens (or do we?)

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~ ⟪◍⟫ ~

Dear me, I totally got lost writing that... I feel like it was all actually brainrot.I know it was rather long, so I do hope you all understood atleast something out of it 😭 And here is for the next big thing, so stay put!

Now then, Book 2 is about to come to an end in a few chapters, and with it, this Xiaolumi series of mine will end. But I have absolutely NO intention of stopping to write, even though my updates might be a bit more sporadic (as if they already aren't). Sooooooo

What do you want me to write next? Although they're all gonna be x readers because thats what I'm best at... I have a few ideas which I'm putting in here, and I'll keep it as a poll for sometime (till mid- April maybe? I dunno maybe it'll end sooner who knows) I'd love it if you guys commented in the paragraph which contains the idea you'd like to see next.

1⟫- Songs

SCARAMOUCHE x reader (Modern college/highschool AU)

Acquaintances to lovers trope

You and your friend group go to a karaoke restaurant to celebrate the fact that you are finally, genuinely over your ex. However, when you go there, you see a few of your classmates there too. Ready to mingle, your friend group and theirs make pairs to spend the evening. And who are you paired with, but the popular emo Scaramouche. The songs you sung that day developed a new bond between you two.


You pulled him onto the small stage with a smirk. "Just you wait and watch. I'm telling you , you're really gonna embarrass yourself if you don't know the lyrics to this song." You whisper the song name to the person in charge of the music, and grin at Scara as the music starts.

"On the low, only love myself no more,
Take you to the grave I'll ghost, I know I can be so cold~" You looked at Scara with a glint in your eyes, signalling him to continue. You did not expect him to know the song though.

"In the dark, where I like to keep my heart,
Know I'm all bite no bark, like to catch you way off guard~"

You looked at him with newfound appreciation as you sang the soft part, then you both sang the chorus together, and naturally divided the rest of the lines between yourself.

This was gonna be a fun night

(The plot is not at all finalised, I am just laying down some bare minimum ideas I had, and I will develop on it more when the choice is made. This is not a song AU or something, just that their first meeting is at a karaoke restaurant. Also I have no real idea how to write Modern AU so this is mainly gonna be off my thoughts and the other books I've read)

2⟫ My Inspiration

ALBEDO x reader (Modern College AU)

Strangers to lovers trope

You are doing your majors in Fine Arts, and your college has this system of pairing you up with someone doing the same major for the rest of the term. As that time fast approaches, you're nervous about what sort of partner will you get, but your worries are put to rest when you meet Albedo, a quiet, naturally intellectual student who was excellent at art. Not that you weren't; you both were almost on the same level, but he was a bit better. He's very understanding and kind towards you, not to mention good looking?? Like hello, this guy is the unofficial Prince of the college, having girls (and boys) swooning over him. Your besties tease you for being paired up with him, and remark that you could potentially get together with him by the end of the year. You refuse immediately, but.....

(Once again, plot not finalised, its just the basic idea really)

3⟫ Forever Rivals

CHILDE x reader (Modern Skaters AU)

Enemies to lovers trope

You are a new yet renowned skater at the Skating Championships thanks to your extreme skill. You are currently on the national level, on the way to international. Yet the only person that stands in between is your long time rival, Tartaglia. You both had been in the same schools your entire life, so be it academics, sports, drama, skating, whatever, you two were always rivals. Always fighting for the number one position. It almost always resulted in a tie. But in the Championships, ties do not exist. Only one of you can proceed, and who will it be? And will you ever stop hating each other?

(unfinalised plot)

~ ⟪◍⟫ ~

(2280 words)

Oh my god my hands hurt now... But eh, I got it all out! (i totally did not decide the tropes using a spin wheel because i was too indecisive, not at all) So I have to go now, I really hope you enjoyed all of this utter brainrot, and do comment on what you wanna see next! Cya soon! -Skylia

Important in Another World- A Genshin Impact Xiao x Lumine fanficWhere stories live. Discover now