Chapter 5: The Dark Streets of London, The Mysterious Power of the Mask

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Damian POV

Following Jonathan's realization, I'd decided to isolate myself in my room. The door was locked, preventing any unwanted visitors as I simply sat down at my desk and placed my hand against my forehead.

How did it come to this? Simply put, Jonathan had been snooping around where he shouldn't have. And now there was no going back. I'd hoped he'd never find out what me and Dio had been planning until it was too late. Over the years, I had genuinely grown to care for Jonathan. 

Not enough to cast aside all mine and Dio's planning.

I never understood why that Asian apothecary was so eager to help us. I remember what he told us when we first sought his services many moons ago. He'd spoke of a man from his own homeland who had lived a harsh life but ultimately lived to be over 183 years old!

I never understood what he had meant by this. Not then and certainly not now either. But much like then, he'd sold us the poison without so much as a second thought. Was he setting us up to fail? I don't know. His motives were clouded in shadow.

My mind shifted to my REAL father, Dario Brando. Jonathan had thought he was some sort of honourable man. But this couldn't be further from the truth! Our mother DIED because of him! The number of injuries me and Dio gained because of his drunken outbursts! I'd taken great pleasure in watching poison wrack his body! The scum got what he deserved!

The mere mention of him caused me to slam my fist into the wall in rage! Then there was George. I wondered, did he deserve a the same fate? True, he was nothing like my actual father. But he'd earned my distaste through his initial treatment of his own son. Even so, his death was a necessity for me and Dio to succeed.

The following day had passed without incident. Jonathan hadn't spoken a word to me and I'd not been to visit George. In fact the reason no incidents had taken place was probably because I'd hardly left my room. I didn't interact with anyone until that evening when there was a knock on my door followed by Dio's voice ordering "Open the door Damian!"

I did just that, slowly getting up from the chair I'd been sat in and going over to the double doors, opening them to reveal my brother. He didn't even give me a moment to ask what he wanted before he said "Come. Jonathan is planning on going to London, likely to find the source of that medicine. We have to act quickly."

All I could do was nod as I followed Dio along to his room, opening it I was instantly met with something that caught my attention. On his table was the same stone mask that had been in the hallway years prior.

Dio began explaining "Jonathan knows too much. However this little venture to London is our perfect opportunity." I nodded, as much as I disliked the idea, Jonathan had become a loose end, I couldn't verbally convince him, now I had to go for a last resort. I asked "And how do you plan to go about this?"

Our attention then shifted to the table in front of us. Dio explained "You remember, the mask reacted to my blood seven years ago. If the spikes enter JoJo's brain, he'll die instantly. And it will look like an accident, so no one will suspect."

He showed me a page of a book which held a diagram showing the mask. I couldn't read the wording however it seems Dio was right, if the spikes were to activate when on a person, it would be instant death!

I asked "It won't be a painful death will it?" Dio replied "I'm not sure. But you aren't worrying about Jonathan are you?! He will not hesitate to turn you over to the police if he finds that medicine!" I sighed.

Dio was right, this was necessary...


Two days went by after that when I heard that Jonathan had gone off to Ogre Street ALONE! He'd been truly desperate to find this medicine and its origin. Since it was of Asian origin, London would be the only place to find it.

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