Chapter 16: The Request and the Test

Start from the beginning

I look forward towards meeting the most powerful witches and wizards of all time in person.

Yours Faithfully,

Amelia Bones

Minister of Magic

Setting the letter down, Albus looked at the remaining two founders. "It would seem that the news of your arrival has travelled far and wide. All the way to the Minister of Magic in fact." He looked speculatively at them.

"The Minister?"

"Indeed, Lady Ravenclaw, the Minister of Magic has just sent me a letter requesting me to arrange a meeting between her and the four of you."

"Well, that is interesting, however we cannot reply to this alone. The request is for all four of us, so we must consult with Sal and Ric before saying anything." Rowena walked to one of the portraits and tapped her wand on the frames and said "Salazar please"

Everyone was looking from the frame to Lady Ravenclaw and back again, wondering what she was doing. However their questions were answered when the portrait went blank and suddenly Salazar Slytherin's face was visible to them.

Slytherin was wearing a loose shirt and trousers; he sported protective armour around his lower legs, his arms, and his chest. Everyone in the office was on their feet in alarm, looking at Salazar Slytherin dressed like that. Only one thought was going on in their minds: was Salazar Slytherin planning to go to battle?

"What happened, Row?" a concerned Salazar enquired.

"The Minister of Magic has written to Professor Dumbledore and requested a meeting, Sal."

"Hmm… well we must discuss this … but not now, I need to go give a test for Ric" Salazar replied with an eye role

"However, please feel free to come and watch, then after that we can discuss the matters over in the meeting room. How does that sound? I will let Ric know about this… "

"Oh that would be great, it has been long since I had the opportunity to witness that, right Helga?" Anyone in the room could make out the enthusiasm in Rowena's voice as she said that. "Yes Row, I wouldn't want to miss this chance" Helga replied with a slight smirk on her face.

"Great! Professor Dumbledore, the offer is open for you, any Professors and Mr and Mrs Weasley, should they wish to join the girls." Salazar offered looking at all of them.

"I must admit that I am rather intrigued to know how Lord Gryffindor plans to test you, and would happily join to watch the events. I will also bring everyone currently in the office with me unless they have something else that requires their urgent attention." Dumbledore replied with bright twinkle in his eyes.

"Alright then, see you all soon" Salazar closed the connection and the frame was back to the normal portrait.

Rowena moved to face them before addressing them

"Everyone who wishes to join, please gather around and hold each other's hands. Make sure you are all touching someone's hand. Professor Dumbledore you may take my hand. Alright, is everyone ready? We need to make a chain so in the end everyone is connected to either Helga or me."

After making sure that everyone was ready, Rowena nodded towards Helga

"To the gallery overlooking the regular training room please" Helga's soft voice was the last thing everyone heard before the surroundings changed and they found themselves in a sort of gallery that overlooked a platform.

A wall of glass separated the gallery and the square platform, facing a bare wall. The remaining two walls were adorned with a myriad of weapons and shields. Doors leading into the arena were situated on these walls.

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