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( NO SURPRISES   . . .   act 1 )

'he loved her and she loved him, simple as that.'

( season one )


اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


"I knew by the first time I saw him, he was trouble, but by the first time we kissed, i already loved him. Loving him was the only thing that brought me back to life time and time again. My love for him is very dear and genuine, but my friends are dearer. So it comes to a decision, them or him?"

Carmen Isabella Martinez, she was a pogue but she was a kook, she was a kook but she was a pogue, but she was neither. She spent her time with the pogues and lived down at the Cut but she was lavish like a kook due to the money her father sent her from the West Coast, he was well off, with his new wife and her children, now he sent them pity money. Her mother died when she was seven in a boating crash, that's when they made the apparent change from kook to pogue. When she was 13, her father was out. Her prime caregiver, her sister, Marina Martinez, 27, worked for the Cameron's, she was their maid. She started off part time. which was  about when their father left, but this summer was different, she was going to live with the Cameron's and work full time. They didn't live in the safest area, according to Marina, but I was seventeen, young and ready for the day i turned 18, so i could finish school and then explore the world. But little did I know that wouldn't go to plan. That summer I moved in with my cousin, Barry, he didn't have to nicest place but he did own a gun and was the local drug dealer, that scared people, they knew not to fuck with him or you'd end up with a bullet in your head. Even though we were family, my sister knew if i was gonna be living there, it wasn't for free. So that's how I ended up helping him with his business, which means helping him deal. He only made me do it 2-3 times a week, which was fine with me as it left me the other days to hangout with the pogues. Now that brings me to him, how it all started, and why it all ended.

We're the pogues, and our mission this summer is to have a good time, all the time.

"That's what, a three-story fall to the deck?" said pope. "John B if you don't get your ass down here, i'll come up there and push you myself," I said. "Hm. Should I jump?" John B asked jokingly. "Yeah, jump." Pope said jokingly annoyed. "Yo, hate to ruin this bonded time but i gotta bounce soon." I said. "Also hate to ruin our bonded moment but looks like security's here," yelled Pope. John B quickly bounced down from the roof and grabbed my hand as we ran through the house to get away from security. "Gary, good to see you man!" JJ yelled back at the security guard jokingly. John B helped me hop over the fence as we ran to get the car started with Kiara. "Come here, you little pricks!" yelled Gary out of breath and constantly stopping to try and catch it. "Bus is leaving!" yelled John B to Pope and JJ. "Yeah, hurry up dumbasses!" yelled Kiara jokingly as I laughed my ass off. Pope and JJ hopped into the twinkie with Kie's and my help, "Come on, Gary!" JJ yelled back at Gary teasingly as he kept his composure. "JJ! you're gonna give the more man a heart attack!" yelled Pope. Kie pulled JJ inside the van fully as I yelled back at Gary, "I owe you one Gar, they don't pay you enough for this shit!" I said as I shut the door quickly before falling back onto Kie's lap. "Yo, Jb, can you drop me off at Barry's?" I asked. "Sure bells, why are you even staying at his house?" John B asked me curiously. "Because Marina is working for the Cameron's full time this summer, remember? I've told you this a million times." I said jokingly annoyed. "Why don't you just crash at mine?" he asked. "Because my sister would actually kill me, either way I've got to help Barry with his job." I responded back. "Think you can get us some of his shit for free?" JJ asked with a smirk. I jokingly hit him in the shoulder, "no doofus, he'd notice immediately." I said back rolling my eyes. "Not even for his favorite cousin?" JJ asked with puppy dog eyes. "No, i'd probably wake up with a bullet in my head, wouldn't want my pretty face to be messed up right?" I said jokingly as Kie cupped my face and squished my cheeks. "Well here's our stop, you coming to the bonfire later?" asked John B. "Possibly, if i could acquire a ride from my favorite group of people." I said. "Why not." I said as I hopped out of the car. "See y'all later!" I yelled as I walked past all the men Barry had at his house, even JJ's piece of shit of a dad is here. "well if it isn't mini martinez, life treating you good, son of mine staying out of trouble?" he asked with a smirk. "fuck off, you're piece of shit." I said with anger in my voice as he stood up. "still got that sass, just like your mother, now you've got an as-," luke tried to finish as Barry came out and stepped between us. "you buy from me and now you better stay away from my cousin or the prices are gonna have to go up maybank." barry said as spit in his face and cocked his gun. "alright alright, got lucky this time martinez." said luke back as I flipped him off on my way inside. "as long as you're staying here you better keep your ass out of trouble, no talking to those pieces of shit, you got it?" Barry said with a serious face. "fine, but he had it coming." I said to Barry as he rolled his eyes at me. "Now, we got some business to take care of, a new customer in fact." Barry said with a smirk. "Who?" I asked. "Oh i'll show you, he's in the living room." Barry said with that same smirk. As I walked into the living room, the last person i expected to see was a Cameron, but yet still the most expected of them all, Rafe Cameron. "Country club meet my little cousin, Carmen, Carmen meet country club, now if we're gonna be doing business you not gonna be screwing me over." Barry says as he cocks his gun to give Rafe a little scare. "Now what you looking for country club?" Barry asked. "Just a little something stronger than weed, not doing it for me anymore." Rafe said with a menacing smile. "how about some K? that work for you country club?" said Barry teasingly. "Yeah that will work." Rafe said back with a smile. "alright, some ground rules, you gotta pay me for what i give you, if not i'll give you a warning and then a bullet will be in your skull." Barry warned. "Hey, grab some of that stuff in the back." Barry said to me as my phone started to ring showing John B's name. "One sec bar, let me get this." I said is I accepted the call. "Hey what's up Jb?" I asked through the phone. "Hey, I know I said I could take you but were already kind of here to set the keg up and everything, do you think you could grab a ride bells?" asked John B seemingly trying his puppy dog eyes as if I can see him through the screen. "Seriously Jb?" I asked slightly annoyed. "Please, I swear i'll take you home!" he said back. "Fine, but you owe me one," I said as I hung up. "Yo, bar think I can talk to you?" I asked. "Go ahead." Barry said back. "Like in the back...?" I asked as if this was urgent. "Fine, not like you can reach the top shelf back there anyways." he said jokingly as Rafe laughed as I looked back to the man I hadn't spoken to since childhood and gave him the death glare as me and Barry walked to the back room. "So what you need?" he asked. "So... you know the annual beach party where both islands go... I was wondering if you could take me." I said with my best smile. "you know I would but I gotta work, but I think I can figure something out for you." He said with a smirk as he grabbed the K from the top shelf and then we walked back to where Rafe was. "Now country club, i'm gonna cut you a deal, i'll give you 50% off if you drive my little cousin to her beach party, alright?" he said with the same smirk he gave me earlier. "Why not." he said back. "Alright here's this, now get your ass outta here." Barry said as he pushed me along. I followed Rafe out the front door as I looked for a car that looked expensive as I knew these lowlifes wouldn't own something like him. As we continued walking we stopped at a motorbike. "Alright, hop on." he said as if it was nothing. "You really think i'm getting on that? i'll probably fall off, if not worse you'll push me off and then-," I said as he interrupted me. "Don't worry, you can hold onto me real strong." he said as he sat on the bike. "Fine, but if we fall off you'll be getting a beating from me and Barry." I said as I grabbed the helmet he gave me and hopped on. "Your gonna fall off and it's gonna be your fault if you don't scoot any closer." he said as he turned back to me. I scooted closer as I was ready to get this over with. "Now hold on real tight." he said as he turned it on and we zoomed off with no warning. I clung even tighter to his salmon colored shirt as my hair flew in all kinds of ways even in the helmet. "What the fuck Rafe." I yelled as loud as I could as we were off and he started laughing. This moment felt like the longest of my life yet the fastest as we speed through the OBX. He came to a clean stop at the first stop light we hit, "how you likening it C?" he asked as if we were close, for a moment I forgot who I was with. "Holy Shit! That was fucking crazy and you were going so fast and now I want to try." I said as he smiled back at me forcing me back into reality. "Maybe next time I see you." He said as he sped off into the sunset. We neared the beach and we came to a clean stop as I forgot to let go as I clung to his back. He took off his helmet all sweaty as he helped me get mine off, "Thanks for the ride I guess." I said as I hopped off. "It's cool, you know you're alright for a pogue." he said back as I rolled my eyes and was getting ready to walk off. "Wait! here's my number, you know incase you need a ride again." he said with a smirk. I put it in my pocket considering keeping it and then walked off into the sandy beach seeing my friends

Rafe wasn't sure what he saw in her, but he liked everything about her. Her wit, how tiny she was, how willing she was, and how she didn't let him walk all over her. A girl had never been that way with him. He knew he had to see her again, even if she was a pogue. She felt different to him.


Hey y'all! First chapter complete! I know i'm not the best writer but I tried my best and I hope you enjoy it! Remember to vote and comment, that really motivates me to write more :)

NO SURPRISES - rafe cameron حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن