Deejaynes a #ally

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"You're overreacting Puffles, they don't bite." Tig chuckles. They were outside the door of Tig's dear friend and Puff's short lived crush Deejayne. With Martha's car in the driveway indicating she got there first. Puff hadn't exactly been thrilled to meet Deejayne after the Valentine's Day incident, she'd still been convinced that the other hated her. But they had hope in Tig that this wasn't a bad idea, and she'd been overthinking this. She hated the fact that she's more quiet than she was several months before. She used to be energetic, and a misogynistic asshole, but having to be constantly misgendered has led her to putting herself in a shell that she hated. And it left her with her own thoughts, which wasn't great. But maybe this would give them the opportunity to be herself, without the fear of someone reminding her that she was so far in the closet she was in Narnia.

    Tig swiftly knocked on the door to a quick answer from Deejayne opening the door. "Took you long enough goddamn. Come in, we bought pizza." She speaks, leading the two into the house. Martha sat at the table already eating a Bread-Bite, she talks with her mouth full, "Heya Tig, hi Benatar's friend."

    "You know I have a name." Puff grumbles.

    "I know. I just forgot."

    Puff finds herself smiling a bit, they'd never actually talked to Martha much but she seemed actually entertaining. Deejayne walks over to her and taps her shoulder "Puff, could I talk to you for a moment." She said, "Alone."

    "I..Sure?" Puff replies nervously. She's then dragged into Deejayne's all too familiar room.

    The room seemed newly cleaned with a smell of lavender rather than bodily fluids, and the industrial sized "All Purpose Lube" nowhere in sight. There was, however, a bag on the bed. A plastic white bag. If Puff wasn't scared before, she was now. She wondered if Deejayne was upset with her, she didn't even know why, but she had that assertive nature. She was walked over to the bed, and it was the slowest few seconds of her life, the only interaction she'd really had with Deejayne was sex. Their self esteem had been crushed at the time after that, so she'd convinced herself that the woman had a vendetta against her. She was handed the bag and slowly looked inside..

    It's a skirt, a dark red skirt, and it looked the perfect size. "The receipt's still in the bag if it doesn't fit. I knew you probably couldn't buy a skirt without outing yourself or at least getting a weird stare, so I bought you one. Tig said you've been wanting one, and Martha said that time you went over to her house you were staring dead at her dresses the entire time." Deejayne says. Puff clutches the bag and smiles, no longer thinking Deejayne despised her but instead probably pitied her. Or wanted, maybe, to be her friend. "Holy shit, thank you, I'm so bad at thanking people I swear to fucking god I appreciate it." Puff thanks her.

    "We can go back now, and eat, Martha wants to watch Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter and Tig wants to play Dance Dance Revolution on the machine she stole from an arcade and gave me during Christmas. I don't think you got to see it yet but it's huge, and very loud..."

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