Chapter 12 Hard Work Vs Natural Talent

Start from the beginning

"I refuse to use HIS power." Todoroki glared at me with soulless eyes. 

"If you're going to hold back then I will too." What I said caught Todoroki off guard. 

"What did you say?" I pushed the wrong button. Not sure if it's good or not.

"Am I speaking Espanol here?" I asked causing the crowd to laugh a little bit, "What's the point of going all out against someone who is holding back?"

Suddenly ice was on the ground then I was covered in ice. "You wanted my full power here it is." I broke out of the ice leaving a giant hole. 

I looked to see Todoroki trembling. Frostbite could be seen on Todoroki. "Your trembling, Todoroki. Quirks have physical effects on the human body. Use your flames."

"NO, I WON'T USE MY FIRE!!" Todoroki finally snapped.

"FOR FUCK'S SAKE! IT'S YOUR QUIRK NOT HIS!" I yelled as loud as I could. I just realized I taught a bunch of kids the f-word. It's live TV so there's no way to censor my voice. "DO YOU NOT REALIZE HOW BLESSED YOU ARE TO RECEIVE NOT ONE BUT TWO QUIRKS!"

Before I could think about anything else stem started appearing on Todoroki. It's time for me to power up. I unstrap my weights and threw them to the side. Soundwaves boomed through the ground. 


"Let's end this." Todoroki looked at me with determination. 

"I agree, let's end this." The power flowing through my veins is ready for an intense battle.

Todoroki got into a stance starting to charge up an attack. I rushed at Todoroki at relativistic speeds. The attack landed on me. My shirt burned off leaving nothing but my shirtless body. Said attack nearly sent me back but I managed to hold myself in place. I noticed that Todoroki can't fully see me. 

I used my binding cloth to wrap around Todorki's arms. I jumped hundreds of feet in the air dragging Todoroki with me. I wrap up Todoroki like a Christmas present


I started spinning left and right. BAM! Todoroki hit the ground head-first. 

"IZUKU MIDORIYA WINS!" Present Mic yelled out. I reverted to my base form. I'm tired. Someone give me a coffee. I pick up Todoroki despite feeling like I couldn't lift anything at all. I left the arena. 

I stopped at the front of the door. I knocked on the door. "Come in," Tsunade yelled out. I opened the door. I placed Todoroki on a strecher. "You used the eight gates didn't you?" I nodded bearly being able to speak. 

"Here drink this." Tsunade handed me a drink. I drank it slowly. My energy is slowly returning to me. 

Suddenly the door slammed open. My classmates have decided to pay a visit to Todoroki. Normally one would suspect there to be yelling but there was an awkward silence. The type of silence you don't want to be the one to break. 

"What are all of you doing in my office?!" Tsunade slammed her fist on the desk. That's the 1,858 desks that have been broken by Tsunade. 

"We came to check on our friend!" Ruby jumped out of fear while tears filled her eyes.

"How's Todoroki doing?" Tsuyu asked with her finger on her cheek.

"She'll be fine. Give her an hour or two and she'll be good as new." Tsunade brushed off the concern. Tsunade then pinched my cheek and started tugging it, "BE MORE GENTLE ON THEM!"

This is embarrassing. I'm being scolded in front of all my classmates. What am I going to say to them after this? Tsunade let go of my face. "Here put this one." Tsunade pushed a spare PE shirt onto my chest. I put the shirt on. It's a little tight on me but It'll do.

"All of you get out of my office." Tsunade pushed us out of the office. 

"That was a badass fight Izuku." Ryuko nudged my shoulder. "It was something out of an American action movie." 

"Thanks, Ryuko." I smiled brightly for some reason Ryuko's face went red. Why does this happen? It's a nice day outside. It's not blisteringly hot outside. It's spring, not summer. I put my head on her forehead, "You are burning up Ryuko. Do you have a fever? Your face is red."

"No!" Ryuko quickly backed away like her feet were on fire. Why does this happen? Sakura, Byleth Sensei, Ejira, and now Ryuko. I have some heat resistance from living in the blazing sun at the age of four. That's partly why I tanked the attack from Todoroki.  

"Let's go to the stands. The arena is almost done being repaired." Uraraka brightly smiled with thumps up. 

I walked with the rest of my classmates to the stands. Some were quiet and others were talkative. I'm doing good at talking with my classmates. I'm getting better and better at being a social butterfly.


Kakashi was in the background listening to the conversation while reading porn. "My nephew is like the protagonist in the books. He's building a harem."


Shoka finally had woken up from landing on her head. "What happened?" 

"You landed on your head," Tsunade responded while reading a medical book.

'Why did Izuku go out of his way to help me? I'm feeling warm for some reason.' Shoka started overthinking, 'It's the first time anyone has put in the effort to help me.'

"Izuku punched your father in the face for you." Tsunade knew Shoka was thinking about her fight with Izuku.

"Why would he do that?" The look on her face would have been memorable if the readers could see it.

"When you were described as a living weapon. Izuku couldn't hold his anger and punched your asshole of a father." Tsunade closed her book without facing Shoka's direction. 

'He stood up for me.' Shoka blushed like a strawberry. 'The only person to do that is Mom. I should probably visit her.'


The battle between Momo and Blake had begun. Momo created a canon and shot cannonballs at the catgirl. Blake dodged them with ease. 

Momo created a steel pipe for combat. Blake used a cannonball as a springboard to fly toward Momo. Everyone expected the creator to use the steel pipe but Momo threw a grenade. Blake used the hilt of her blade to deflect the grenade. The explosion sent Momo out of bounds. 

"BLAKE BELLADONNA WINS!" Present Mic yelled.


It was a slaughter. Ryuko toyed with Ochako. Eventually, Ochako tired herself out and lost.

"RYUKO MATOI WINS!" Present Mic yelled.





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