The Orphanage

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A/N: This chapter will be set in the past! Not in the present! The next chapter will also take place in the past, at least for a little bit, but just keep in mind that this is all memories.
Also! They will be using sign language, which will look like this: 'Text'
Just wanted to let you all know that!


Time: 6:00 AM, Friday
Setting: Orphanage

~~ Touya's POV ~~


Touya Todoroki, 9 years old, stumbled as he tried to keep up with his father, the #2 hero Endeavor, who was dragging him by his arm to the door of the orphanage.

"Dad, please!! I'll be better, I promise! Don't leave me!"

"Shut up."

They made it to the door, and Endeavor knocked a few times before leaving. He was smart enough not to stick around.

Touya stared at the ground and waited for someone to open the door, which didn't take long.

It was a young woman who opened the door.

She looked around, then at Touya.

"What are you doing here all by yourself kiddo..?"

Touya looked up at her as he felt his eyes start to water.

"My father doesn't want me anymore."

The woman frowned.

"Come in. Please, come in. You're just in time for breakfast. I'll tell the cook to make an extra plate. Are you hungry?"

At the implication of food, his stomach growled.

The young woman stepped out of the way so he could enter.

"Come with me. I'll bring you to the dining hall, and we'll explain this to the head mistress."

She started walking to a set of large doors on the right.

He followed, hesitantly.

Upon entering through the doors, he saw a bunch of kids eating at the large table, although one was sitting all by himself.

He looked at the boy for a moment, before continuing to follow the lady.

She led him to an older woman, and began explaining what he had told her.

He got distracted, and looked towards the boy again. He had messy black hair, and beautiful ruby red eyes.

He was wearing a plain black long-sleeve shirt, and black pants. He also wore black artists gloves.

He wasn't eating. Just staring at his food.

Touya heard a few boys giggling, and looked over. They looked a little bit older than him. One of them was going to shoot a rubber band at the boy with black hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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