"Out." Kaiba said "I'll be back."

Mokuba ran towards the window and saw Kiara walking out to the gates, minutes later he saw Seto out walking taking the same route.

'He's following her?' Mokuba thought he lit up. 'Could that be a sign that Seto likes Kiara? I'll have to consult my sources with the doctor on T.v. for more advice.'


Kaiba followed her home. It was the only way to keep her safe, especially at this hour in the night. If anything, there might be another man out there waiting for his next prey. Which is a perfectly good reason to follow her.

Following her was difficult. The girl was walking through the streets at quite a fast pace. She immediately stopped in her tracks, seeing a bush full of colorful flowers. She plucked one up smiling, her cheek rubbing on the petals.

Even with everything that happened, she's still the same Kiara he met years ago. The corners of his mouth turned upwards. He did admit she looked pretty cute. She put the flower behind her ear and continued walking.

The wind blew harshly a rustle amongst the trees, he saw her stop in her tracks. She shivered. Kaiba grimaced at the sight, having the slightest temptation to approach her and properly escort her home.

Kaiba kept reminiscing about the past between them.

'Why do you keep calling me Your Rose Knight?'young Seto asked as Kiara using a handkerchief lightly dabbing his cheek from the scratches he got, a clear sign he got in a fight to defend her from bullies.

'Because it's true You're my Rose knight! Just like that story my mom read to me! I know the story by heart.' Kiara giggled. 'The Rose Knight watches over his beloved from afar and protects her from harm.'

'What kind of story is that?' Seto asked

'The Rose Knight didn't start off as a Knight.' Kiara said 'I'll tell you more later on.'

Kaiba shook his head, wondering why he was thinking of that. Kaiba waited back a bit as he saw her nearing the gates to her home. He watched her draw closer, pressing the button onto the comp. The Gates opened and he saw the doors of her home open. Her mother nearly ran, she smiled relieved etched her face. She lurched forward, throwing her arms around her daughter's neck. The two held each other in a warm embrace.

"Kiara, you didn't call, " she murmured, whilst stroking her daughter's hair. "You had me so worried."

"I'm sorry mom," Kiara replied, feeling guilty for not calling her. "We had too much fun playing games that I forgot to call."

"It's okay, I'm happy to see you here safe." he heard her say, before planting a kiss on her cheek. "I have some great news to tell you, Do you remember Kaleb?"

"Kaleb, my old dance partner?" He heard Kiara say. "Why would he call me?"

"I'll tell you more when we get inside." Her mother said

Sighing to himself, he was happy having peace of mind knowing that she was safe and blue eyes flickered over the large house before he turned his back to leave.


"Wait...so Kaleb wants me to dance with him?" Kiara said

"Yes, He said it's for a charity party to help raise money for an animal shelter." Her mother explained. "He said that it would be great for the guests to see the two young contestants from Dance junior again."

Kiara nodded in deep thought. Her mother handed her a card with a phone number written on it.

"This is his cell number, he said to give him a call to talk." Her mom said she kissed Kiara's cheek "Goodnight."

Kiara held the card. 'It's for a good cause. I'll leave him a message tomorrow before i go to school.' Kiara thought.

The Next day…..

Kiara told the news to her friends, Téa couldn't help but let out a squeal.

"I can't believe it! You and Kaleb Rippon are going to dance again!" Téa said with a wide grin.

"It's only one dance for charity." Kiara said, rubbing the back of her head lightly blushing.

"When I was younger, I watched that show, and your interactions with each other are so adorable!" Téa reminisced,"especially when they showed the clips of you two practicing! You two have such great chemistry."

"I don't get it. What's the big deal?" Joey said."I don't see anything special about this Kaleb guy."

Téa glared at Joey while Yugi let out a sigh.

"So…"Yugi started. " When are you going to see him?"

"After school, i'll be seeing him in his studio." Kiara said."So I won't be walking home with you guys."

"It's fine." Yugi said

As usual, the school day went by fast, and the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. The small group walked out only to see a small crowd of girls giggling and squealing.

"Eh? What's up with that?" Joey said Tristan and Yugi shrugged their shoulders. Moving closer, they saw a tall, slim male smiling seductively at the crowd of girls.

"Ladies, as much as I would love your company, I have business to attend to." He said with a prince-like smile.

"I think i've seen him before.." Joey muttered.

"Kaleb? What are you doing here?" Kiara spoke up.

Kaleb looked up at the direction of the voice and grinned widely. He walked towards the young heiress, taking her hand and kissing it. That scene made the other girls squeal.

"I came to pick you up so that we could practice our dance." Kaleb said

"That's nice of you."Kiara said, smiling.

Joey,Tristan, and Yugi watched Kiara talking to Kaleb. She walked to her group of friends.

"Guys, this is Kaleb." Kiara said "Kaleb these are my friends Joey, Tristan, and Yugi."

"Nice to meet you."Kaleb said, smiling. The other gave him a polite nod. "I'd love to stay and chat, but we have dance practice... maybe next time we can show them our routine."

"I think that's a great idea."Kiara said she turned to them smiling. "I'll let you guys know when we'll have our routine down to show you."

"Yeah!" Yugi said Joey and Tristan nodded.

"Be careful." Joey said

"Wow! This dance studio is yours?" Kiara looked around in awe. The two were on the third floor of Kalebs studio.

Kaleb chuckled. "After that contest, everything went well." he explained, walking towards his desk, opening a drawer, taking out a few stacks of cd's. "When i got a call from my agent about this charity dance, I immediately thought of you so that this would go well for the animal shelter."

"I'm happy to help especially for causes like this." Kiara said, smiling.

Kaleb smiled softly. "Let's change and start our warm-ups." he said

A Few Hours Later

Kaiba threw down his briefcase as soon as he got home; abandoning it on the living room couch. He really hated today. He went to school. Dropping off his homework only to see Kiara talking to some guy at the parking lot and what's worse is that she went in the car with this man. Didn't they just have this conversation yesterday about this?! She's too damn trusting! Unless.. if..she's seeing that guy? No... she would've mentioned him. He grits his teeth, feeling a burning sensation in his chest. "Just what is happening to me?" he said

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