Chapter 11

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Kiara brushed her hair, getting ready for another day of school, and she let out a yawn.

" I managed to get some sleep...I never thought that dinner party would take that long." She muttered. 'But even at that party, I couldn't stop thinking about what happened two weeks ago.'

Kiara looked in the mirror. She raised her hand lightly touching her shoulder, the area that Seto gently applied the patch and smiled softly. 'Deep down, Seto does care even if he doesn't show it as much.' She thought. 'He's still someone special to me.'

Thirty minutes later….

'Well...time for another day of school!' Kiara thought happily the door of the passenger seat opened, She got out seeing her friends walking inside the building.

"Miss,will you be out with your friends today?" he asked

"Yes, Yugi mentioned a new place." Kiara replied."I'll be walking with them today."

"Alright, anything just call." He said with a tilt of his hat.

"Bye !" Kiara said

"Have a nice day, Miss" He said, getting inside of the car.

As soon as he left, Kiara walked towards the school gates. 'I wonder what games Yugi brought today.' Kiara thought.

As usual, the school day went by fast.

The bell rang as a sign of the school day ending.

"Let's go to the newly opened Burger World." Yugi said

Joey looked at me and asked, "How does that sound, Kiara?"

"Yeah! I'm up for anything." Kiara said, smiling. 'I haven't had a burger from an actual fast food place in a long time.'

"I heard their hamburgers are famous for how delicious they are!" Yugi said excitingly.

"Wait a minute, you guys!" They heard turning their head at Tristan.

Joey looked at him slyly. "The one who failed to become first-year student president, instead becoming a janitor, Tristan."

With a visible eye twitch, Tristan corrected Joey. "Not janitor, Beautification club! You know stopping on the way home is against school rules!"

Miho suddenly popped in. "I want to check out Burger World!"

"Let's go!" Quickly changing his mind, Tristan agreed.

"Hey you..." Joey said irritatingly. "Tristan..."

"Hold on, everyone..." They heard it was Téa. She was looking a bit nervous.

"Did you say Burger World?" Téa asked

An Excited Yugi and Kiara asked, "Téa, want to go too?"

Téa suddenly blurted out. "Don't go! I heard the restaurant's food was terrible!" Looking at their disbelieving faces, she urged."It's true! I heard people became sick on the grand opening day! You definitely should not go!". Hurriedly changing the subject, she added, "Anyway, didn't the teacher say that a criminal broke out of prison?"

Yugi's eyes opened wide as he exclaimed, "Ah, that's right! A big criminal! The whole town is in a panic!"

" What the heck? Are you scared? You've got no guts." Joey said

"But I heard he has a gun..." Yugi timidly said

"That's not good…"Kiara said.'We should be careful..although the chances of meeting an actual criminal is very low.' She thought.

The small group noticed Téa make her way out of the room.

" Yugi, hasn't Téa been acting weird lately?" Joey whispered, seeing Téa walk alone in the hallway.

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