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-I'm back form mine grave

2nd pov~

You were having a wonderful dream until you had to wake up.

".... Why do I have to wake up everyday... " you mumbled as you got up to you know do your daily task to get ready.

After all of that, you ate some breakfast and got ready to go to school.

You didn't feel like using your phone for some reason and as you made it to school and made it to class.

"Oh y/n! " the teacher called out to you.

"Yes? " you said sweating.

Did I miss a test... Or something... Lord save me....

"I made new seating charts you sit by sigma." she told you.

"Oh alright. " you said and walked to your new seat. Sigma wasn't there yet.

As you were working on the work you missed... Yeah you only missed one paper thankfully.

I heard some yelling outside wonder what that was abou-

Your thoughts got stopped by you guess it... The clown..

... If this mother fucker yells I will personally get up form this chair and choke him....

"Y/n..!! Where were you yesterday I missed you.." Nikolai said clinging onto you.


"What? "

"Moving to a new place. "

"Oh! "

After whatever that was-

Class was boring.. Well it was kinda entertaining seeing this random girl glare at you for some reason. You didn't gave 2 shits well since you has no reason to even care about someone life who has 0 purpose to you.

Now art was fun you got to finger paint with Sigma! Then you had science and was forced to work with Mori.. Honestly you kinda disliked mori.

Now lunch...

As you got your lunch and sat outside to eat. Some girl and a gang of kids came up to you.

You didn't even care thought they were idk just trying to be cool.

Until well the girl knocked down your food.

"Okay now we have a fucking problem. " you said as you got up. You were actually pretty skilled fighter and you won't hesitate to beat some hoe ass.

"Well well, y/n I warned you to stay away form them. "

"wha- who even are you..? Do I know you. " you were beyond confused.

She placed a finger on your chest, which you quickly swat away.

"You know.. " she said glaring at you.

You were even more confused.

Fuck who even is this...

"Are you that annoying person that keeps texting me about someone being yours or something. "

"You... Little... " she raised her hand.

If she dared laid a finger on you. You would simply beat her ass in front of her friends.





Okay now you were done she just slapped you.

You gripped you face and she was laughing. You got annoyed and straight up punched her in the face sending her flying to the ground.

You place your foot on her head.

"I don't understand why you would even do this to yourself. " you said with a snicker.

"... "

She was silent..

"Uh is your friend okay.. " you realize her friends were looking at you shocked. you took your foot off her head. She was just looking at you.

"Great... " you mumbled as her friend yelled at you.

You just wanted to chill and eat by yourself and now you have even more problems to deal with.

"Just to let you all to know I will beat your friend up again if she dares slap me like that again, and the next results won't be funny. " you said and walked away.. To get more food.


You had P.E now.. You kinda liked P.E besides the people yelling at you when you miss the balls.

Today was to run a mile. It was hell to do.. Nikolai was in this class so even more hell and the combo with dazai.. Seems like fate worse than hell.



You ran through the mile with no rest even though that was impossible you didn't want to be near Nikolai or Dazai right now.

And finally..... The day is over..

You walked home did whatever you did then went to sleep wonderful!

You walked home did whatever you did then went to sleep wonderful!

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