Kireitsune is quick to assure him "Oh it is no biggie Kenji-Dono, let's go to the other two" as she links arms with Kenji. Kenji then notes out loud "I am going to have to get used to this endless show of affection from you". They go to where the other two are but find them being harassed by three guys and Kenji growls in annoyance at such a thing happening so early.

Kenji then says "I do not know who you guys are but you better leave my friends alone now." Guy one then says loudly "Oh look who it is,the new guy, what are you going to do about it you damn punk?" Guy two adds "Yeah what are you going to do about it tough guy? We are much stronger than you" By this point Kenji is getting more and more annoyed by the fools.

Guy three adds his two cents by saying "You are just a loser who is trying to look strong in front of girls, scrawny arms" to which Kenji warns "I will give you one last chance to leave them alone or you will regret it" feeling extra arrogant guy one swings a fist at Kenji who ducks under the punch and knocks the air out of the guy by punching in his solar plexus.

Guy two tries a punch as well but endes up getting his arm wrenched and guy 3 also attempts a punch just for Kenji to ram the guy's head into the guy who's arm he had twisted and then Kenji swings them into their leader and they all fall down,the girls just stand there with mixed facial expressions,depending on their personalities and dispositions.

Kireitsune stands there smiling brightly in excitement with her usual happy go lucky energy while Tora looks astonished and Yukino just watches with a small difficult to see smile which no one seems to notice with the crowd that had gathered all looking awed at the amazing fighting abilities of Kenji, never having seen one guy beat up three until now.

The three guys just sit there rubbing their heads and stomach respectively and look up at Kenji in horror as he bares his carnivore canines at them with an irritated look on his face and a slightly savannah colored aura which only those guys and the girls seemed to notice,he snarls at them in disgust saying "I told you you'd regret it now get out of my sight!"

All three guys just jump up and run away like a small group of cowards, Kenji gets an amused look on his face and with a small chuckle he says "Wimps". Kireitsune runs to Kenji and asks "Wow Kenji-Dono,how did you do that in this form?" Tora then says "Yeah Kenji-San your ears and tail weren't out and yet..." but she stops shyly in the middle of her sentence.

Yukino then comments "Pretty impressive Kenji-Kun,teach us how to use our abilities in pure human form like how you use your speed and agility,it looks useful" to which Kenji replies as he laughs awkwardly "It is really not all that good,I kind of taught myself how to do that".  He feels kind of self aware from all of the easily given compliments from them.

Kireitsune then says "I just know you will teach us that,right Kenji-Dono" and then she kisses him on the nose" Kenji then exclaims loudly in embarrassment "Kireitsune! Do you know how intimate that kiss looked?" Tora then chimes in "Oh you will get used to that from Kireitsune-San, Kenji-San, anyways please teach us that technique so we can use it."

Yukino then comments "I know you will teach us that since it's important for us to adapt, am I right Kenji-Kun?"
Kenji stands there dumbfounded and agrees by saying "Yeah I will teach you that no problem". They then sit down and discuss the base of using their Anthropomorphic powers in human form just like his companions for the day requested from Kenji.

Meanwhile Chitayna is hanging out with her city friends and telling them all about Kenji and we get to the point in the story where they've been discussing Kenji for a while as she says "I could tell just by looking at him that he is amazing and also that he will be mine" in a possessive kind of way so that her friends will understand how she feels about him.

One of Chitayna's friends replies "Well it sounds to me like he is a cool guy if you are so crazy over him" and the other friend replies "Yeah he must be pretty great if you have fallen for him within a day of meeting the guy"
They saw the three biggest delinquents of the school running past them in fear which was obvious by how fast they were running.

Chitayna then states with a giggle "Oh I am sure Kenji scared them off for harassing some girls". In another part of the school Jackie is with her friends too also discussing Kenji with one of her friends saying "I saw that Kenji guy who is in your hostel,he seems like a cool guy" the second friend then says "he seems chilled" the third friend says "he looks so mature.'

Jackie then gives a rebuttal "Meh he is okay but I wouldn't call him chilled, seems arrogant to me" Akane and Gina appear next to them and Gina comments "But you like guys with attitude,don't you?" and Akané adds "I can see you falling for him already like the rest of us" and Jackie rebuts "Do not get it twisted,me and him may be friends now but I don't like Kenji!"

They meet up with the rest except of course five others, three guys run past them and Jackie calls them closer and asks them what happened. Guy one them hurriedly replies "That Kenji guy is a freak,he took us all three down and... and" then they run off again) Jackie marches off to where she usually sees,Kireitsune, Tora and Yukino knowing Kenji will be there.

As Jackie spots the four she marches right over to them and starts interrogating Kenji right away asking "Kenji-Kun,what in the world did you do to freighten those three delinquents?" and Kenji replies "I just tossed them around a bit and then bared my canines at them and they ran off like little wusses" and he chuckles at the end of his sentence.

Yukino adds "It was good, those idiots didn't know what him em" in a chilled monotone voice and Jackie comments "Well whatever,at least next time they  will think twice about harassing any of the girls in our group" and Kenji replies "They rubbed me up the wrong way when they refused to leave these three alone,I just couldn't help myself but beat them up."

Suddenly Chitayna pops up behind Jackie and speaks saying "Oh I kind of figured that is what happened, Kenji-Senpai you are so cool!" causing Jackie to jump from fright and exclaim in annoyance "Don't sneak up on me like that,you almost gave me a heart attack!" You could feel that the atmosphere was a little bit tense.

Kireitsune then says "Could we all just calm down? And Chitayna stop scaring people now" and Tora adds "I agree with everything Kireitsune-San just said, let's all just calm down" and Yukino says "Yeah it is no use we get worked up from all the excitement from today" and Chitayna apologizes "Yeah sorry about that Jackie" as she hugs her friend.

Jackie accepts saying "Okay whatever, you know I can't stay mad at my friends when I've known you for so long" Kenji then comments "Okay now that is over, anyway, those guys got what they deserved,am I right Jackie?" and Jackie accepts "Yeah I suppose you are right just this once, you know what? You are not half bad Kenji-Kun,not at all really."

Kenji stands up and reaches out his hand and asks "Can the two of us please get along and be friends now?" and Jackie accepts his hand and shakes it saying "Okay but you will have to do with my temper and attitude,okay?" Kenji then says "I am used to it" and then the bell rings and they all leave for their next classes.

Night time comes quickly and they all eat supper,tell the others about all that had happened today, they go their separate ways to their rooms and brush their teeth and shower, Kenji gets goodnight hugs from Kireitsune,Tora and Yukino and then they all go to sleep, Kenji then thinks to himself about how another day had just ended.

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