Season 1 Episode 10- "Cathy brings it on!"

Start from the beginning

Danielle: But you wouldn't have noticed her if she didn't beat Maddie. Don't even deny it, you know I'm right.

Abby: I can't be dealing with that crap.

Danielle: Whatever.

Abby: Does everybody understand how big of an opportunity this is? Those judges at iHollywood are going to be people that are in the capacity to hire you. They are the people that choreograph for television and for film. So, it's very important that you step on stage like pros. Do you understand?

Girls: Yes.

Abby: All right, let's go.

This weeks group dance is theatrical jazz. The routine is called 'My Pumps.' It's an interesting routine, we'll see if the judges like it or not.

Third person's POV

Kelly: Um, how about Abby taking care of Maddie and Mackenzie, and her saying, 'you might do more things than the group.' Well, you know what the hell that's gonna be. Like, she's gonna be taking them out...

Holly: to be 'seen'

Christi: Oh, yeah.

Kelly: Getting their name out in L.A. while we sit at the pool.

Christi: I really am still surprised that she picked her boyfriend over her kids. Like, her kids are eight and seven. That's pretty big. Maybe she has to take care of that relationship to ensure that this continues.

Holly: What about you, how are you feeling? With Brooke and Paige being at the bottom.

Kelly: I'm not surprised that they're at the bottom just because of my argument with her. I think she thought I was, like, kidding when I said that, like, if my kids aren't doing a solo and she won't teach it to them, that I was gonna get somebody to teach then a dance. I paid all this money to come here, and she wants me to do a group dance. I don't think so.

Danielle: Well, I have a few choreographers numbers if you want them.

Kelly: Thanks, I will take them, and I've actually looked into some choreographers, and I found two that have really good credentials. So, hopefully it will work out.

Christi: What about you Danielle, you blew up at pyramid.

Danielle: I'm just fed up with Abby thinking that Maddie's it, you know, that Maddie's a star and the only one she can count on. All the girls are stars in their own way, and Maddie hasn't ever beaten Y/N so, why is she praising Maddie to be this big winner when she's not.

Holly: I agree with that.

Danielle: I'm only here because my daughter wants to dance, she loves the girls, she loves dancing with them. I don't necessarily need Abby. I think Abby forgot that I have connections and I don't need her to make my child a star.

Christi: Are you doing anything with Y/N since we're in L.A.?

Danielle: Chris has arranged for Y/N to appear in a scene in the film he's working on, she doesn't know yet, he wants to surprise her.

Holly: That's sweet.

Danielle: Yeah, she's also going to auditions for a few things. I wanted to say if any of you want connections or information about auditions just ask, I'll help you.

Kelly: Thank you, see Abby wouldn't do that.

Danielle: Because she's all about Maddie.

Christi: I can't believe she took away Y/N's solo, do you think she did it just so Maddie could win?

Danielle: Maybe, I think she was trying to get me to react just so she could take the solo away to let Maddie win because Maddie knows that Y/N can beat her. Which is why if Abby's not giving her a solo, I'll do one myself.

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