Season 1 Episode 5- "When stars collide"

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This weekend was great, I won with both my dances, and I got to spend time with my dad before he had to go back to work. Also, Abby asked if I would like to come back and dance for her again. She even asked if I wanted to be a part of the team. And obviously I said yes, even though the moms are crazy, I love the girls.

Mom had scheduled me in for privates and classes since I am now an official member. So, that's where we are now. I was having a private with Abby and Gianna, they told me about the showcase they are having, and they want me to perform some solos. I will be performing the ones from last weekend and learning two new ones. Abby even said that I can do a group dance with the girls.

Eventually, the girls started arriving which meant that it was time for pyramid. I hope I can be at the top this week.

Abby: Girls, let's go! Come on, ladies! Come on, girls, let's go! Get in here! First, I'm gonna talk about this past weekend. I am very disappointed. Every single one of you could have done better in your solo. Moving on, I want to forget about last weekend. What's going to happen this weekend?

Paige: It's the ALDC showcase.

Abby: Thank you. Yes. We're doing the new number, 'sugar daddies' at the showcase.


                                                 Maddie Brooke Nia

                                           Chloe Paige Vivi Mackenzie

Abby: Y/N, you won the overall high score at the competition. You won the mini and junior category. Boom, you're at the top. Maddie, you came second, I guess Y/N was just better. Nia, forgot the solo, kept dancing, made it up, went on, finished with the music. Chloe, did a great job. There were some other situations. You're here. I want to see that attitude improve on stage. Yes? You never know who's watching you. All right, I have a few surprises during the showcase. I don't want to pressure you, but in the audience at the showcase is going to be an agent coming to seek new talent and looking for new clients to sign. Yes.

All us girls started cheering, who knows one of us could end up of Broadway because of this agent.

Abby: Moms, you are going to be performing in the show, as well.

Most of the girls started laughing, but I know my mom can dance so it's not that funny for me, but it would be fun to see the other moms try to dance.

Abby: Oh, Cathy, you're going to be the choreographer.

When Abby said that Cathy will be the choreographer I was like, What?! why not my mom she's a good choreographer. I know because she choreographs my dances all the time and I win with them.

Abby: Nationals are getting closer and closer. With every competition, you get better, and you get stronger. So, this showcase is going to be a nice chance to entertain rather than compete. But it all is leading up to nationals, because we want to do what?

All: Win!

Abby: You got it! All right! Go ahead. Moms you're dismissed. Guys, up. 'Sugar Daddies.' All right, let's go. Okay, okay, you're like mosquitoes. Get away. Get away.

After the moms left we started to learn the dance, and in the dance we had to hold a big stick which would eventually be a lollipop.

Abby: Come on, girls. Do something with your face. Come on.

After a couple of hours of learning the dance we finally got to go home.

Y/N: Mom?

Danielle: Yes sweetie?

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