Chapter 5 - House of Black

Start from the beginning

I sighed and took a step foreword reluctantly and as my foot touched the cold tile a sharp cold burst of wind pushed my hair back making a shiver creep down my spine.

"Welcome to your hell" the cold wind whispered darkly.


"This place freaks me out..." whispered James I just nodded in response hugging him closer to me, too terrified to speak in case I woke up something that shouldn't be woken up.

I shuddered for the hundredth time. Bad Rose, think positive things.

"Umm... this is your room" He said walking inside the spacious room roughly opening the emerald, velvet curtains so some sun light seeped in the room. The room had too beds with two wardrobes again everything seemed green and silver and thank god they toned it down with the snakes the only one in my sight was sculptured on the wardrobe.

"The bathroom is right there" explained Sirius; he didn't crack a smile from the moment we stepped inside the house. He probably sensed our uneasiness.

We placed our luggage down and proceeded with the house-tour.

"This is the pantry, and here is the second living room no one uses, this here is the ..." Sirius ranted obviously trying to keep the tour short. On the shelves were little and big objects some made me whimper, some shudder most made me press tighter to James, his arm never left its place from my shoulders only got tighter.

We reached the top floor It was smaller than the other three with only two doors with gleaming plaques with something scratched on them.

We walked passing the first and since it was on the right and since that was the side James was walking by I couldn't see what was scratched on the door.

Sirius for the first time in the whole visit knocked on the door which read Regulus Ignitus Black.

"Reg you in there?" there was a grumble as a response from the other side " Be decent I'm coming in!" Sirius called again before throwing the door opened. I held my breath hoping Reg was a human and he had a nicer character than Sirius' mom.

I blinked a few times as I peered inside the room.

Have I gone color blind?

"What the hell?" cried James dramatically slapping a hand to his eyes

The room was green, literally. Every surface was covered in green, even more than the rest of the house the parts that wouldn't look good in emerald were silver and the usual snakes decorated the room. 'Slytherin' banners were plastered on the walls.

I was so distracted by the green-ness of the room I didn't notice the younger, less handsome version of Sirius laying on the green clad bed.

"Hey bro" He said holding up a fist lazily smirking towards Sirius who bumped his fist against Reg's fist. Sirius junior grinned excitedly and produced a wooden stick from behind his back and waved it around making a loud bang and nothing else happened he still looked excitingly at their fists, his face slowly dropped while Sirius' face split into a smug smirk at his brother's obvious fail.

Me and James snickered while Sirius took a wand from his pocket and whispered a few words pointing it at their joined fists.

I jumped at the louder bang and sparks appeared and popped throwing their fists back. Regulus gave out a high pitched scream and clutched tight at his bleeding knuckles. Sirius laughed and stirred us out of Reg's room, James was laughing next to me and I was trying to figure out were the humour was.

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