Loved Ones Lost

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When we lose a loved one, it's different for everyone. For example when Barbara died she was someone's love, sister, friend, aunt or grandmother but for me, when Barbara died, I lost my mom.

The one who had always been there for me from day one. She was my doctor, my cook, my cheerleader and, at the end of the day, my best friend.

I miss her voice, even when she was fussing at me for working to much and sleeping to little. I miss how she always smelled of vanilla. I miss her smile and the extra I love you's before I'd leave from a visit. I miss the nightly texts I always got from her just to say she loved me and be safe.

I know she was very loved and is missed greatly but no one misses her more than her children. Hug your loved ones and remember we aren't promised another day.

Barbara Ann Adams

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