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alhamdulillah the story is finished!
yes, that's a wrap for Naim and Arisya. basically, when Miss Hanim was about to drive to the hospital, she received a call from Naim's mother.  she told Miss Hanim that Naim breathe his last air few minutes ago.

but nooo :(
naim's letter :((

aku tulis aku yang emo apa ni

okay anyway, this is actually what i want to sampaikan in this book

when you face a death of your beloved ones, please accept it sincerely. basically, redha. do not question Allah why did He takes them from you. remember, Allah is the Most Merciful. He doesn't write a destiny where you are the only person who deserves to be happy and free. He writes a destiny where EVERYONE, can live a peaceful life doesn't matter if it's dunya or even in another universe.

He is Al-Wadud, The Loving One.

the death of them seems very tragic to you, but maybe it's not for them.

at least, they are not being burderned with the biggest test that is given to all of us anymore, the dunya.

we shall understand their point of view, too.

the only thing we can do for them is dua'.
pray for them to be with the believers.
pray for them to enter the Heaven.

pray for you, to be able to meet them again in Jannah.

sayang semua 🫶🏻

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