Lunch Date

168 14 8

James' POV

I woke up around 10:30 to the smell of breakfast being made. My stomach started grumbling so I hopped out of bed to get dressed for my lunch date with Halston.

We've been best friends since birth. Halston and I have done everything together. She's an amazing person. Her one and only os the luckiest guy in the world. He doesn't have a cutter for a future wife. I just wish she was the one I'd marry, because I love her too.

(A/N I'm just letting everyone know that I would never judge people who self harm. Never never never, this is just what James is thinking because he doesn't understand Kary as much as he thinks. But I just wanted you guys to know that I'd never make fun of people who self harm. It's not a joke.)

After I finished getting dressed, I walked downstairs to see Kary cooking breakfast in one of my sweat shirts. She looks so beautiful.

"Hey." I said softly.

She looked up and back down quickly.
Is something wrong ?

"Kary, are you okay ?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Here's your breakfast."

"Thank you."

She nodded her head and sat down at the table.

"Um, Kary, I'm gonna be hanging out with the guys for lunch today so I'm gonna have to cancel our date. Is that okay."

"Yeah it's fine... but don't you have to be at the studio today ?"

"No, I'm off today...but we just wanted to have a guy-lunch thing. You know ?" I'm trying so hard not to show that I'm lying.

"Okay, tell them I said 'hi' "

She took a sip of her coffee, not even looking up at me. Did she even eat her breakfast ?

"Kary, did you even eat your breakfast ?"

"I'm not hungry. Coffee's fine."

"Well, um, I'm leaving around 12:30ish so we could spend the morning together if you want."

"Okay, what do you wanna do ?"

"Do you wanna watch a movie ?"

"Yeah sure."

She walked over to the living room without saying a word. Maybe this thing with Halston is a mistake. I know she feels the same about me but it isn't fair to either of us or our partners.

I felt my phone vibrate and saw a text from Halston.

From: Princess👑
To: Jamie

'Hey handsome, I was just wondering if maybe we could hang out at my place then go for lunch after ? Sound good ?'

To: Princess👑
From: Jamie

'Yeah, sounds good. I'll be there soon.'


I walked into the living room to find her on the couch looking for a good movie to watch.

She looked over at me and softly smiled.

"I found a movie for us."

I sighed, "Kary I'm sorry but um, something came up and I can't stay. I'm sorry but I'll make it up to you tonight okay ?"

"Yeah, that's fine."

I went over to give her a hug.

"I'll see you later."

And I'm off.

Kary's POV goodbye kiss, no 'I love you' ? Real nice.

I wish I knew what's going on with him. He's been acting weird since last night.

Maybe it's just stress from work. He's been coming home really late for the past couple days and every time I ask it's the same answer 'Sorry I was busy in the studio.'

I think I just need some rest. Maybe taking a nap will make me feel better.

James' POV

I drove down to La Jolla to find Halston. She said we would have a little beach picnic together.

"James," I heard her sweet voice from behind, "over here."

I ran over, picked her up and spun her around.

She started giggling like crazy. I set her down and gave her a big kiss.

We both sat down on the comfy blanket, taking off my shirt showing off my abs, she did the same...she's just in a bikini now.

I bit my lip to keep the moans inside.

"What ? You like ?" She asked teasingly.

All I could do is nod. She just looks so perfect. Better than any other girl. Even Kary.

Kary would never where anything to showy. It's honest so annoying. I'm a guy ! I need to see my girl show her body once in a while.

"Well how bout we skip the lunch and go up to my hotel room ? And have some fun ?" She asked sitting on my lap with her arms around my neck.

I leaned in to kiss her full on.

"Let's go." I whispered against her soft lips.

We got up and ran as fast as we could to her room...and I think you know what happens next.

Kary's POV

I woke up around 3pm to Fox licking my cheeks playfully.

"Hey buddy, you hungry ?"

He barked in response.

I got up and walked to the kitchen with him following close behind me. I got his dog food and filled the bowl to the brim.

After that I decided to check out my Instagram since there's nothing else to do.

20 new followers, 6 likes, 12 comments

I went to the popular page scrolling through different pictures until one particular picture popped up...

It was James and he's with another girl...but they're kissing ?

And this girl was Halston ?

He's holding her so someone's gonna take her away.

The way he's looking at her...he used to look at me.

I couldn't even get to spend 5 minutes with him today and yet he lied to me just so he could be with her.

The tears started to fall down my face like a waterfall and they wouldn't stop.

"I thought he loved me..." I sobbed.

I ran upstairs into me and James' bathroom and looked around for my box. When I found it, I opened it up to find my old razors.

He doesn't care about me

Well, here goes nothing

I lifted up my shirt and slid the blade across my skin and saw the blood stream down my torso.

I knew you were ashamed of me James...just like everyone else.

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