Meeting the Guys (part 2)

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Kary's POV

After hours of shopping I finally found a beautiful short black dress. (See media)

As I got home I went straight upstairs to shower and get dressed to finally meet the guys.

I'm finally done and when I look in the mirror, I'm shocked...I actually look beautiful.

"Wow," I gasp.

The 5 inch heels, the long wavy hair, the dress, make up.

I really hope that James likes it.

"Babe ?" Speaking of the devil.

"In the bathroom."

He came bolting up the stairs and down the hall into our shared bathroom.

"Hey babe I got us some--." he stopped and took a better look at me which made me feel insecure.

"What," I asked. "you don't like it ?"

"No no ! It's just, you look so gorgeous and I didn't know what to say."

He came over and gave me a sweet kiss, and held me in his arms.

"You really think I look that pretty ?"

We parted from each other and he took my face in his hands, with our foreheads touching.

"No, I know that you're beautiful not pretty, because that's just talking about the outside. You are absolutely beautiful ! Inside and out. You have the biggest heart any person could have, you're selfless, compassionate, kind, considerate, generous, just flat out perfect," He looks down and smiles, "Remember how last week when I had a fever and you stayed with me the whole time ?"

I nodded my head and think back to those five days. He looked so miserable and I felt terrible knowing that I couldn't take that feeling away from him.


"Babe ?" I heard James' scratchy voice yell from our bedroom. We decided that I'd stay with him while he's sick and if the both of us like it, I'll be sharing a room with him.

"Yeah Baby ?" I ask.

"Is the soup almost ready ?"

Poor baby ! He sounds so sick.

"Yup, just five more minutes."

I'm making James some Lipton soup with saltine crackers on the side and a big ice cold glass of ginger ale.

As I walk up the stairs I start hearing James cough roughly and to the sound of footsteps. I jogged to the room finding him trying to get out of bed.

"Babe what are you doing?" I put the food down on the night stand next to his side of the bed, tucking him back in bed.

"I was trying to get up and walk around. Am I not allowed to ?"

He looked up at me with his big green eyes making a puppy face. I push his hair back and gently kiss is forehead.

"Nope, I'm taking care of you and you're not allowed to get out of bed with out my permission." I said trying to be serious.

"Okay doctor, what ever you say."

He looked over at the tray of food and I heard his tummy make a grumbling noise.

"You hungry baby ?" I asked while sitting down next to him, taking the tray onto my lap so I can give it to him.

"Very hungry." He opened his mouth wide.

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