Gaining Momentum

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Vader was proving he was a man who could not be bought. Which was proven time and time again when video of The Outer Rim Lord being offered bribery of all kinds by some of the prisoners obtained during the invasion to let them go.

The video showed Vader taking the bribe, but not letting the slaver owners, buyers, and sellers go. No. He declared their bribery that of blood money and killed them for all to see and hear.

Vader had wanted it known to everyone in The Galaxy that he could not, would not, be bought by anyone, and that anyone dealing in slavery trying to buy their way out of things would be put to death.

Naturally, his actions stirred up The Galaxy into a frenzy. Some of the people killed by his hands or his Battle Droids came from powerful families. Families who knew politicians in The Republic Senate and even those among The Bounty Hunters that made a living in The Outer Rim, but now had to be more careful how they acted.

Some who had been to Slave Ridden Planets before and enjoyed the pleasures such slaves provided them in addition to the credits the now Former Government had provided them for their services.

So it was no real surprise to Vader when The Bounty Hunters and Assassins made themselves known to him in trying to collect on the price his head now held from those powerful influential families.

Only for those same Bounty Hunters and Assassins to die horrible agonizing deaths with their heads sent back to those influential families. As a result, instead of ruining Vader's reputation, it only thrived, and became even greater in terms of influence.

In the eyes of slaves everywhere, Vader was a hero. A hero of the oppressed. A hero to the slaves.

And all the while, Vader went on to denounce Republic, its corrupt Senate, and even The Jedi Order being ineffective in protecting the helpless.

The Ruler of The Outer Rim even went so far as to call The Jedi Order the puppets of The Senate, stating they were listening to the greedy wishes of bloated bureaucrats in The Senate over The Will of The Force. That they chose to let such injustice happen in The Outer Rim while hearing the cries of the oppressed, yet stay in their cozy Jedi Temple, and living their lives in total ignorance.

He certainly made an impression on The Galaxy and The Republic.

As such, factions within The Senate demanded action be done against this possible threat the man represented. If allowed to continue, some feared he would become his own power into The Galaxy, and threaten The Republic if allowed to grow.

Something Darth Sidious used to his advantage under his Supreme Chancellor Palpatine persona in appeasing the Senate's various factions....

Now inside The Senate Building The Entire Republic Senate were in a meeting, and all were in a frenzy.

"Senators! Senators! I ask you to remain calm. As I speak, The Jedi Order has been asked to investigate this issue personally. They believe this man is a Sith Lord, and as you know The Jedi have faced Sith in the past." Palpatine said while many in The Senate (the ones he had manipulated before now) were calling on him to do something about Vader.

"Chancellor Palpatine. I must protest the Jedi seeking to hunt down this Vader!" Came the voice of Senator Gume Saam from the planet Tibrin.

"Senator Gume Saam, you do not have the floor." Said Palpatine while The Senator's floating chair came closer.

"I must still protest. This Supposed Sith has done much for the people along The Outer Rim. He freed slaves on a slavery promoting world. And, the people who were once slaves now have lives of free people. My people believe he should be left alone to continue his work throughout The Galaxy." Senator Gume Saam said while deciding to side with Vader.

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