Gaining Momentum

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So did The Fake Sith Order. So he needed to exterminate them both.

After all The Prophesy only says that a Chosen One will be born, but nowhere does it say it has to be a Jedi........


Like the rest of The Galaxy, word had reached The Republic of The Slave Trade's Fall. How a man named Vader led to the sacking of each city and planet with slavery.

One by one, they fell by his superior numbers, tactics, and overall command of his Battle Droids that at one point were used by The Trade Federation.

From what reports they could obtain and The Holo New Network was able to obtain and report, The Man had attacked without mercy. Every slaver, buyer, and owner of slaves in The Outer Rim were rounded up before being killed.

The order given by The Outer Rim Lord himself and The Battle Droids carrying it out to the letter.

As to the slaves themselves? Each one had been freed. The tracking chips they possessed in their bodies were found, deactivated, and removed one by one much to their relief.

At the same time, Vader had become ruler of the planet and established a proper Government. No-one knew of Vader's proper Government, but there were rumors of The Government being ruled under Vader himself.

All in all, it left many divided on the subject. Many felt what Vader took measures into his own hands and shouldn't have acted so rashly. Some felt it should have been done sooner.

Especially with a world such as Zygerria where its history was written with the blood, sweat, and tears of slaves.

When word reached the rest of The Galaxy of The Outer Rim being invaded, Holo Net reporters who were well versed in traveling to harsh places for a story swarmed Zygerria like moths to a flame. Many were expecting war torn cities, all destroyed by the fighting, and the people struggling to rebuild itself.

Imagine the surprise of the reporter, The Jedi, and The Republic at large when they saw none of that was the case.

Construction Droids were deployed in every city. Rebuilding what was destroyed during the battles that occurred and the people, all former slaves, were living quite nicely under Vader's temporary rule. There was no food shortages. No diseases. No pain. No suffering. The battle Droids used to conqueror the planet weren't even out in force as one would suspect.

Instead, Vader had placed slaves, who once acted as bodyguards for their now late slave Masters as part of the police force in each city.

He had former slaves who were assigned to doing house chores, running the household while their former Masters were away, and raising the children of slave owners place in needed governmental administrative jobs.

New schools to teach these newly freed slaves were already being constructed to help them learn and hospitals were being built to help keep the risk of diseases and injuries down.

Vader even made several broadcasts to the different cities of Zygerria providing updates on the progress of making the planet strong to open trade with other planets.

By this point, no one knew what to make of Vader. Some called him a tyrant. A warlord seeking to place his own mark on the planet by force before seeking a reason to invade other planets.

Others saw him as a savior. A beacon of hope for slaves everywhere in the Galaxy. Someone who was not bound by The Rules of The Republic or The Jedi Order itself. No. This was a man on mission. A man who was not afraid to fight against those who supported slavery and used the laws of their planet or system to get away with it.

Darkness of Twin SunsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin