December 22nd, 1986

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The next day The Party -upon Max's request- find themselves perched on top of the highest hill in Hawkins. Well most of them anyway. Halfway up the hill is Eddie bent over with hands on his knees, huffing, trying to catch his breath. Everyone simply watches and Robin yells. "You know, this wouldn't happen if you quit smoking!"

"You want me to be even more high strung, Buckley?! I smoke for your benefit!"

"Oh sure," she grumbles, stumbling a few feet down the hill to join her friend as he catches his breath.

Eventually she plops down into the snow, wrapping her arms around her snowsuit cover knees, looking up at the heaving man, "You actually alright Munson?"

"Yeah, yeah, Bucks, I actually am. I've been trying to quit believe it or not but this cold air is kicking my ass." He finally stands up right, pulling the zipper of his leather jacket higher, letting his hands eventually rest on his hips.

She giggles, still sitting in the snow at his feet, "Watch how you're standing there man, people might think you're spending too much time with Steve if you're standing like a stressed out mom."

Eddie smiles, shaking his head, moving to tuck his hands in his pockets instead. "Come on then," he smiles, kicking a small tuft of snow into the breeze. After one last huff of much needed air, Eddie reaches a hand down to pull Robin back to her feet.

They make it to the top of the hill just in time to watch a gaggle of teens go flying down, narrowly avoiding a thick grove of trees and their friends at the bottom. Robin settles on one of the many blankets she has set out, pouring herself a cup of hot chocolate while Steve and Eddie stand next to each other. Steve's hands on his hips, Eddie's deep in the pockets of his leather jacket, the older man nudges the other with his elbow, "Hey there Sweetheart," Eddie smirks, cheeks turning rosy from his own remark.

Steve looks over to him, eyes sparkling from the reflecting snow, cheeks growing pinker by the second and he smiles, "Munson,-" he looks back to watch the kids as he continues, "- looking as beautiful as ever."

Eddie's blush deepens as he gives Steve another nudge with his elbow, "Shut up."

With a subtle side eye Steve flashes Eddie a wink as he cups his hands around his mouth, like a makeshift megaphone and yells to the kids, "Come on Gremlins! Stop dragging your asses, we're not going to be here all day!"

"Ooooo look at you playing Mommy Bear Stevie,-" Eddie smiles, kicking Steve's boot with his own, "-it's a good look on ya."

"Yeah, you like that?-" Steve smirks

Eddie nods once, curls bouncing around the collar of his leather jacket

Steve's smile grows wider, looking at Eddie as he yells again, "Come on Shitheads, pick up the pace!-" speaking to the man next to him he lowers his tone, "-like that?"

Eddie chuckles, giving Steve another gentle shove before moving to grab the sled from Dustin who's huffing his way up the hill, "You good there Henderson?"

The kid grumbles to himself, sticking out a foot to trip Lucas who's walking next to him, "Christ Dustin!" The kid yells

"Well, then don't ram your elbow into my face next time!"

Lucas throws his hands up in a frustrated defence, "I told you it was an accident!"

"Bullshit!" Dustin shouts back

"Oh my god would you two shut up!" Max rolls her eyes, yelling, shoving between the bickering pair.

Mike, El and Will quietly follow behind, giggling as they watch their friends bicker

🔞A Very Steddie Christmas Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora