December 20th, 1986

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Parenting the gremlins isn't what it's cracked up to be, it's a lot, like a lot, a lot. Like so exhausting Steve Harrington feels like an overworked, unappreciated single mother of 6 and well, it's because he is.

He hosts birthdays, pool parties and movie nights. Acts as a personal taxi service and sometimes a personal chef, nurse and guidance counsellor. It's a lot. But at least he doesn't have to go about it alone anymore. Thank Christ. Coparenting with Eddie makes things a touch easier. He only thinks a touch because part of the time Eddie is a bad influence, egging the kids on or acting like a child himself; what with his excessive volume and unmatched energy that Steve finds horribly adorable.

The kids, their so-called parents/ not 100% willing Babysitters (Steve & Eddie) and wacky gay aunt (Robin) had all gathered at Harrington House to begin their holiday festivities and my god did they go all out. Christmas music was rolling through the air, the scent of gingerbread accompanying it along with the fresh scent of pine from the tree Eddie and Dustin had managed to drag into the house earlier that morning. Stockings were being hung, cookies were being baked and decorations were being strung.

Everyone had an assigned task appointed to them by El and Max. A rather devious pairing the group had thought. As the others went about their tasks, the girls sat in the living room, giggling while El accomplished all their duties via supergirl powers.

Max of course carried a clipboard with her like she ran the show. Curvy letters and Christmas Checklists, she held a death grip on it as if it was her baby and well, maybe because it also contained some top secret information.



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The house was a bustle of chaos but Steve welcomed it with open arms and a happy heart. It definitely was something he was grateful for nowadays, especially since spending so many childhood Christmases alone in a big empty house. Before the kids and Robin had come along, he'd been alone for Christmas for countless years. If anything, in those years his holidays were a lonely time spent staring at the TV. Mindlessly watching Golden Girls reruns, drinking his fathers whiskey and moping around in the same pyjamas he'd worn since the 21st. The voices of the TV, creaks of the floorboards and rumble old pipes being his only company. He never used to bother with decorations or gifts or a tree for that matter. The holiday season was his opportunity to mope around and feel sorry for himself and that's what he did for several years. He liked to think it got easier as he got older but it really didn't. The childhood hopefulness was replaced with hatred, loathing and the depressing acceptance that, yeah his parents don't really care about -

"Steve!-" Dustin interrupts his depressing reflection, yelling from the kitchen doorway where he's ramming half a bag of chips into his mouth,"-Ja- com t Chri-th-ma?" And somehow Steve's grown accustomed to the ramblings of a teenager with potato chips clogging their airways because he somehow understood that Dustin meant, 'Jake coming to Christmas?'

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