Start from the beginning

Victor found his way over to Adonis, the two boys finding comfort in their silence. They would occasionally ask each other a question, but they were both happy how it was.

"Guys! Let's hit the Guardians of the Galaxy first! I haven't been here since it was tower of terror!" Lucielle eagerly told the group, trying to lead them in the direction of the ride.

They all decided to hit California Adventure first so they could spend more time in Disneyland.

The group was stopped by a girl in a pair of black ripped jeans and a black hoodie, her brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she was searching around the crowds.

"There's Tess." Darnell pointed out, waving his arms for the girl. She walked over when she saw them. "Sup."

The security guard shot him a sarcastic glare, but he saw through it and smiled wider. Wade burst through the group, "Tess!" He engulfed her into a hug, ignoring all of their social boundaries. She wiped herself off in mock disgust when he let go of her. "You know you love me." He teased.

"Whatever." The girl scoffed, crossing her arms. Honestly, she had no idea why the group requested for her to be their security guard, but she was their security guard last time they went too. She usually just worked as a guard around the main entrances, but hey, she isn't complaining.

"Okay, let's hit the drop ride." Oliver began to lead the group. He was better at taking charge when he needed to because he was close with everyone in the group.

"Yes!" Lucy cheered, linking her arm through Elizabeth's. She began to cheerfully skip towards the ride, practically dragging her friend with her.

Maisie watched as Oliver tensed up when people glanced over at the two girls and she rushed up to walk next to him. "What are you more excited for? The rides or the food? Personally I think the food is exciting." She said, trying to distract him.

It worked. Her brother flashed her a small smile and paused to think. "Definitely the rides, they're nostalgic."

"Do you remember the first time Taylor brought us here?" She asked. Her eyes scanned the park as though she was reliving the memory itself.

"Yeah! And she bought us those matching Disney ears." Oliver responded, his smile widening. "And she put on that ridiculous wig so that she wouldn't be recognized."

"And she looked so fucking stupid." Maisie laughed, "But she didn't care, because she wanted to protect us."

They reached the rude within a few minutes and they eagerly went up the lightning lane. They didn't wanna cut the whole line, so it was a good idea to invest in just paying for the fast passes that anyone could have access to.

The line was still long, and they spent most of it in an awkward silence, heavily aware of the people around them. It was too early to get recognized.

Tess' eyes were constantly scanning the area around them, making sure people weren't taking photos or staring for too long. She was ignoring all of Wade's annoying questions and facts that he was bombarding her with.

"Pookie, I don't think she likes you." Hunter commented from where he was standing with his arms crossed. A small laugh echoing from his throat when Wade glared at him. "Ooo feisty." He joked.

𝗦𝗠𝗜𝗟𝗘𝗦 𝗔𝗡𝗗 𝗣𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗦 an open applyfic Where stories live. Discover now