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chapter nine

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chapter nine . paparazzi
one month later

A month had passed after Maisie and Adonis' first date. After about two weeks of them talking and going on dates, Adonis finally mustered up the courage to ask her to be his girlfriend. The brunette said yes, and the couple remained strong.

Elizabeth began to get over Adonis, deciding that maybe the single life was better than dating a model.

Jonna was waiting in anticipation for the cast list of the show she auditioned for, she had gone to callbacks a week before and was sure she did great. Darnell was right by her side, distracting her with funny jokes and movies.

Victor finally admitted to himself that he was into Oliver while the two were watching a movie, but was too scared to act on it.

Zinnia had left for a few days to visit Christopher, but she should be arriving anytime soon.

Lucielle had the opportunity to go to an interview with her dad and had a lot of fun bonding with him.

Wade and Hunter? They were still Wade and Hunter.

— — —

Oliver and Maisie stood inside of the grocery store, enjoying their "sibling bonding" as they liked to toss it. They were mainly just goofing around, tossing things into their cart with ease while they barely looked at their list.

Maisie, and her obsession with sugar, caused her to continuously throw sweets into the cart, which resulted in Oliver laughing while he pulled them out. She usually just snuck them back in.

They made a final visit to the snack aisle before they decided they had all that they needed and Oliver let them towards the self checkout.

To Oliver, self-checkout was the best thing about grocery shopping. His anxiety was bad enough, and knowing that there was always a fan of his mother wanting an autograph, it was better to stay private.

They bagged their groceries and paid, immediately dashing out of the store. They were both wearing baggy clothing, not risking the possibility of being spotted. The only difference was that Maisie was wearing Adonis' hoodie instead of her own.

"I drove here, you drive back." Maisie tossed Oliver the keys. He caught them with ease, laughing when she leaned into the passenger side. He slid in and started up the car, beginning the drive home.

Neither of them were expecting the mob of paparazzi that had managed to get into their driveway.

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