She didn't recognize the handwriting, so it couldn't be from her mother. Aemond?

She recalled something he'd said on her first evening in the Red Keep: 'my little niece likes shiny things, does she?'

Visenya tipped the pouch into her hand. A pair of ruby and Valyrian steel earrings rolled out. They were simple and delicate, but still regal. More importantly, they would perfectly match her mother's necklace.

Her heart gave a little flutter. She smiled to herself, and immediately slipped them on.


"Welcome back!" Aegon greeted Daeron enthusiastically, as he dismounted from Tessarion's saddle.

He and Aemond had flown up on their own dragons to meet their little brother as he approached King's Landing. The trio were quite a sight to behold from the ground.

Tessarion was a majestic blue she-dragon, also known as the Blue Queen. Aegon's dragon, Sunfyre the Golden, was widely said to be the most beautiful dragon ever seen. Their dragons had grown quickly, but they were both dwarfed by the legendary Vhagar. No living dragon could match her for size or ferocity.

The three dragons circled each other over Blackwater Bay, playfully swooping over and around each other, before coming to land outside the Dragonpit.

"I'm very glad to be home," said Daeron, grinning at his brothers. "Unlike you two, I've been working hard these past three years."

"Oh yes, it must be exhausting pouring wine into cups a few times a day," Aegon mocked. "If that's your idea of hard work little brother, I'm sure I've done quite as much as you."

"There's more to being a cupbearer than just serving wine Aegon," Daeron scolded him playfully. He turned to Aemond. "I'd forgotten how enormous Vhagar is. Poor Tessarion almost fell out of the sky when she saw that great beast looming towards her."

"Are you sure it wasn't Aemond she was afraid of? Because he has that effect on a lot of people," Aegon quipped. "You should see him in the training yards. He's running out of opponents because they're all too afraid to train with him."

"What? Even Ser Cole?"

"Pft, nothing scares Cole."

"If you're both finished, we need to get back to the Keep," Aemond cut in dryly. "Mother's expecting you."

An affectionate smile crossed Daerons face. "And I want to see her. Let's go!"


"I still think it's monstrously unfair, that you're the only one of us who hasn't been trapped into an arranged marriage," Aegon was saying, as the three brothers descended from the carriage.

"Oh please," Aemond scoffed, "you've all but chained yourself to Baela -and she never would have looked twice at you if she wasn't being forced to marry you."

"Again with the hurtful words brother!" Aegon cried, dramatically throwing up a hand to his heart. "Why must you cut me so deep?"

Aemond rolled his eye. "Save it for the stage Aegon. Your talents are wasted as a prince. Gods know you were born to star in a mummer's farce."

Aegon bowed with a dramatic flourish. "Why thank you."

"Daeron!" Alicent called out to him, adopting the motherly tone her children so rarely heard. She usually spoke in a cold and formal voice, as became the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.

Now she was hurrying down the steps to greet her youngest child. Daeron pushed past his older brothers and all but ran into her waiting embrace.

"Oh my baby," Alicent cooed, fondly smoothing down his hair. "You're finally home! Let me look at you." She took a step back, the better to see him. Daeron straightened up. Like his older brothers, he longed for their mother's approval. Alicent cupped his face in her hands. "My goodness! You're all grown up... and so handsome."

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