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Shopping was exhausting, especially with an energetic Soren bouncing around. "Fashion show," he screeched, seeing the cart full of clothes. I had picked out most of them, but Soren had picked out some things that he thought were my style, which he did a decent job picking out, so I let him put them in the cart.

"No, I'm -"

"Too bad."

I huffed, seeing he wouldn't budge. I turned and went into the changing room. I pulled on a pair of short jean shorts, careful not to show the scars on my inner thigh. The jeans just covered them.

"Angelo. Tell her the shorts are too short," Soren hissed, making me narrow my eyes at him. He held his hand up to me, looking at our older brother for help on the matter at hand. Angelo gave him a sharp look, his coffee-black eyes flashing with anger.

"Don't tell her how to dress, Soren."

I stuck my tongue out at my Soren, who playfully lunged at me.

I laughed, backing away and reentering the changing room. After a few more outfits, Angelo ushered us along - saying we had much more to do. I didn't believe him, but we went to a dozen stores, and my brothers bought me plenty of clothes, shoes, and accessories.

While looking at a pair of earrings, Soren found a bracelet with a planet pendant on it, which I adored. "I'm buying it for you, Alina. It suits you because we'll move heaven and raise hell for you," he murmured, my eyes prickling at his words.

Angelo lifted the bags - his muscles flexing.

"I can carry some of those-"

"I got them, bambina," he said, smiling. "We've got another stop to make. It's upstairs."

We took the elevator upstairs to the Apple store. I shook my head. "I don't need -"

"You need a new laptop," my older brother said, ", especially for school. No need to argue. I'll win."

When we got home - home ... it sounded so weird to say ... my brothers dropped the bags in my bedroom. I had a lot of stuff to unpack and put away. Clothes, shoes, jackets, along with hair and beauty accessories. Angelo said he'd take me shopping another day soon for preferred bedding, books, notepads, and anything else I needed for school. At least now I had more than the clothes on my back, he said.


I couldn't sleep, restless, and struggled with thoughts that flooded me with sadness. I tossed and turned but couldn't get comfy, and every time I closed my eyes, I saw Michael.

In a hasty decision, I got out of bed, throwing my duvet to the side. I walked out of my bedroom, heading downstairs toward the kitchen. I moved kinda slow, my legs aching. My legs ached from shopping but also from the last night I spent with my father - Micheal. I usually hurt when afterwards because he was so rough.

Tears threatened to spill down my cheeks as I entered the kitchen. The kitchen had a tiled floor with dark mahogany cupboards. There were stainless steel appliances and an island with bar stools to sit at, a bowl of brown-spotted bananas and apples sitting on top of the marble countertop.

Leaning against the counter was a man dressed in black scrubs, sipping coffee as he stared at his phone.

"Hello," I said, making the man straighten, nearly spilling his coffee.

He placed a hand over his heart, giving me a cold glare with his icy ocean eyes. "You can't just fucking sneak up on someone like that," he muttered, huffing, straightening his black scrub shirt. "I'm Killian."

"I figured."

He glared. "You're a sassy one, aren't you?"

I shrugged and walked towards the fridge. "Are you a doctor or something?"

Killian nodded. "I am. I just finished my residency. Now, I work at a private clinic."

"That's awesome."

"Why are you up so late?" He asked, sipping his coffee.

"I can't sleep," I muttered, pulling out the pitcher of water. "Where are the cups?"

"Above the sink, to the left."


"No problem ... why can't you sleep?"

"My legs hurt," I said, finding a glass and pouring myself some water. I told him the truth, but he looked at me with expectation, waiting for me to fill in the gaps. "Angelo and Soren took me shopping. I didn't think they were serious about shopping until we dropped."

Killian chuckled softly. "They love shopping. Do you need some pain medication? The Tylenol is in the third drawer on the island." I found it where he said it would be, though I'd much rather have something stronger. I used to sneak one or two of my mother's Oxycontin to ease the pain of what Michael would put me through.

"Hey, did you just get home?" Angelo appeared behind me, leaning on the counter with his arms crossed. Where did he come from, I wondered. I wasn't used to having older brothers showing up out of nowhere.

"I did, then our bambina snuck up on me and nearly scared me to death."

I scoffed. "You're being dramatic."

"I am not," he argued but smiled. "Go to bed, it's after midnight. You need your rest."

I sighed, gulping down the rest of my water. "I'll try."

Angelo reached out and touched my shoulder. "Goodnight, Alina. Sleep well."

"You too, Angie."

He reached up and pulled my ponytail. "Do not call me that ever again."

Killian and I laughed at our older brother's expense.

"Goodnight, Killian. Nice to meet you," I said, heading out of the kitchen. I trailed behind though, curious about what they said when I wasn't around. They didn't catch me if they suspected me of staying behind and eavesdropping.

"Were you nice to her?" Angelo asked, sounding skeptical. "If I hear you weren't, then we'll have a problem-"

Killian groaned. "Yes, brother. You didn't see her crying, did you?"

"She's a tough cookie, I doubt you could make her cry."

"Careful - I might take that as a challenge."

Smack. "Ouch, for fuck sake, Angelo. I was joking."

I smirked, rubbing my hands up and down my arms.

"How is she?" Killian asked, serious, all jokes aside.

"What do you mean?"

"She just lost her parents, Angelo," my second oldest brother stated, deadpanned. "Is she grieving?"

"Of course, she is," my oldest brother mumbled. "You didn't really think she can't sleep because her legs are hurting, did you? She's probably crying herself to sleep. If she only knew what that bastard was capable of ..."

Apparently, Michael wasn't in good graces with my older brothers. Killian sighed. "Have you considered getting her to see a therapist or whatever? Maybe that'd help. She's been through a lot within the last forty-eight hours. I can hardly process it, let alone a sixteen-year-old."

"No, I won't force her to see a therapist." I swallowed, thankful. I hated therapists. "You should have seen how the officer and social worker looked at me. Man, they weren't happy."

I realized he meant Officer Tobin and Heidi. I remembered the cold looks they had given Angelo as we left the police station. Why did they look so cold? Why did Angelo find it funny?

"Eavesdropping, little sister?" Soren came up behind me, smirking. He raised an eyebrow, hands on his hips. "Come on, let's get you to bed."

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