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Simme's POV

I really didn't feel like getting up. Hardly living, but that doesn't matter now. Seriously.. Who the hell wants to meet their ex?!
Who?! Okay... take it easy. I'll just think of a solution...
Ace drives me to school because it's faster that way. This will only be the first day, so I won't have to spend too much time there. But I have to sing a song. I will also have a solo. I can't wait to sing to the crown prince again....

I kind of pulled myself together. Since I am a member of the faculty, I had to get up early to get to practice first. I had already gathered everything when the bell rang.

-I'm coming- I yelled, so the person could hear my voice.

-Hi- Ace was standing at the door.
- Then can we go? - he pointed towards his car.
-Yes- I nodded and closed the door.

Half of the ride was pretty quiet until Ace tried to start an awkward conversation.

-And... are you excited?
What a boring question.
-Yes- I lied. I wasn't in the mood for this little talk. I see he didn't take the hint to leave me alone.
-What are you doing this afternoon?-he asked.
-I don't know. I don't have a plan yet.
-Would you like to come over to my house?-he asked shyly. After all, why not. I should get over Will. It hurts my heart to think about it, but it's the sad truth.
-Of course, why not.
-Then I'll come for you at 3.

From there, the road was quiet again. It was five minutes, but it still felt like half a minute. I'm stressed. My hands are sweating and my legs are shaking. I didn't want Ace to notice, so I tried to play it cool.

-Hey! Is everything okay?-he asked while holding my hand. My heart skipped a beat.
- Oh.. of course. I'm going. Bye- I didn't even wait for the answer. I let go of his hand and ran into the school.

After a while*

We are about to go on the "stage". I feel like I'm about to have a panic attack. Shit. I have a migraine. My head is about to explode. It wouldn't be a good idea to go home now. Okay, Simon. You can do it.

Everyone was already seated in the hall. We walk up to the "stage". I immediately caught someone's eye. Wilhelm.

Wille's POV

He looked at me. Butterflies started flying in my stomach. So beautiful. But not only his looks, but also his voice. I see something weird. Something is wrong with him. I know him too well. True, only a few months ago. But it feels like I've known him for years. His eyes are red, his legs are shaking, and he is sweating . I can also see the sadness in his eyes. I thought he was happy with his new boyfriend. He can barely breathe. As soon as the performance ended, he immediately ran out of the room.

Simon's POV
I dont feel good. I can barely see. My migraine is getting worse. I ran to the bathroom. Uhhh, I don't have medicine. Shit. What should I do?!
I run some cold water on a tissue and sit down on the floor. I'm trying to cool my head to see if that makes it better. Someone came into the bathroom. The person says something. I can't see who it is and I can't hear what it's saying. Wait .... A familiar perfume. WILL?!

Wille's POV
As soon as I saw him run to the bathroom, I ran after him. I don't know why, but I had to. Something is wrong with him. As soon as I got inside, I saw the curly-haired boy sitting on the floor. He supported his head with his hands and did not look very well.

-Simon. Simon, is everything okay? I tried to talk to him. He just looked at me but didn't say a word.
-Simon. How do you feel?
-W...Will? Is that you?-he asked.
I remember now. He must have a migraine. He mentioned it once when we were together. I have medicine for it because I struggle with it too.
- Come on, you're gonna stand up now - I went to him and tried to help him up. I managed to get him to the sink.
- I'll give you something, it will help. - I gave him the medicine, breaking it in two. I know he doesn't like meds and has always had a hard time taking them. But now he succeeded. I didn't know what to do, so I took him to my room.

Simon's POV
I don't know what's going on, just that I'm going somewhere. My head starts to hurt less after a while. I'm glad. I'm starting to see, although it's a bit of an exaggeration. I went in somewhere. They laid me down. Familiar feeling. I have a strange deja vu. Someone covered me and then left the room. I don't know what happened, but the next moment I fell asleep.

Heyy. Thank you for reading. I'm sorry that you had to wait so long for the new part, but I was sick. Thanks for the votes! Bye

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